Glass shader at loss of details

Hello! I’ve noticed something wierd going on with (I guess?) the glass shader. I’ve learned that when I separate a shader into three set at red (1,0,0), green (0,1,0) and blue (0,0,1) respectively, and afterwards add them together (using Add Shader) I should get the same result as with a single shader with a pure white (1,1,1) colour. This works with the diffuse and glossy shader, but when I do that with the glass shader the result lacks highlights and details that is should have:

Rendered with three glass shaders added together:

Rendered with simple glass shader:

(the reason it’s a problem for me is that I need to split up the glass shader that way to give each colour a different IOR. It’s not a deal breaker but I still want those extra highlights if I can :slight_smile: )

My blend:
Sample.blend (894.6 KB)

Ha, this is an interesting observation.

Maybe you could join us in this thread.

I think the add shader method with different glass (or refraction) nodes and shifted IOR falls short because it does not disperse the colours of the light. It just separates them.

One way to get the glass details back would be something like this.

Sample2.blend (103.1 KB)

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