Golden Hour Cave

From my sketchbook:

I liked it enough to give it its own topic :slight_smile:


Forgot to mention that it has a very warm feel to it with the colors qnd vines; not something I saw in the dripstone caves I went to, it looks more welcoming. But then again, a charm of a mysterious cave leading to the unknown. :grinning:


Yeah, I can’t say I’ve ever been in a cave that looked like this either, it definitely has more of a fantastical feel to it :slight_smile: I would love to find a cave with this kind of warmth, though, if I ever do I’ll add some pictures to this thread :slight_smile:


Not quite like this (because it is “drippy” but not as much as dripstone caves usually are), but I have been in caves that looked very warm. It depends on two things – what the cave is made out of (limestone looks generally cool while sandstone looks generally warm), and maybe more importantly, what lighting is used, since caves are by nature pitch black, we only see the entrance with natural light, and for the rest of it we provide the lighting, and its colour.

For example Antelope Canyon and its caves – if you look for pictures, you’ll probably only find a few that look cold, they’re warmer than even this. Or when it comes to dripstone caves, I’ve been to some in Germany and Austria that looked quite warm. Atta Cave, for example. And then there is Dechen Cave, which really looks fantastical (or tacky, if you’re not in touch with your inner child); they light it up in all colours of the rainbow. You might expect a unicorn to come prancing around a stalagmite any moment.

Nothing wrong with a fantasy cave, of course! The great thing about 3D is that we don’t have to make a scene realistic in any aspect of it.


It is hard to make eye catching cave. I tried some time ago too. Your seam to look pleasant and warm. Water would look better with ripples made by dripping droplets.

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Somehow I think the colors combine with the caves found in a desert in Utah, I think. Some caves there are pretty amazing, but you don’t find those formations from the dripping water, but the shoot surfaces look a lot like your walls. Although, there the sandstone forms layers with multiple shades of red yellow, and brown.
Here is a reference to what I’m talking about.


I’ve been to all the Utah national parks- Zion, Moab, Bryce, and Arches- so I think those were subconsciously influencing me quite a bit :slight_smile: you’re absolutely right, this does look like something you’d see in Utah. Dang it :sweat_smile: oh well, at least Utah definitely has some pretty nature :slight_smile:


I love it!
I think you could push the contrast a bit in post, to enhance the depth (sorry for my english). Reminds me a bit of the Myst games (:heart:) although I don’t think these are the games you thought of


You know, I’ve gone back and forth on this very thing a lot over the last few days. For example, here’s an earlier WIP shot:

Let me just try it, one last time, really crank up the compositor nodes and see what you think:

You know what, I think you’re right, it does look better :slight_smile: Thanks!
One thing that makes it difficult is that I have three different monitors with three wildly different displays- I’ve gotten them close to each other, but I can’t replicate a color or a contrast level even between monitors, which is a massive pain.

Yeah it definitely has that early 2000s pre-rendered background style that I’m personally quite fond of :slight_smile: Not the specific game I was thinking of, but a good one. The game I am thinking of is probably going to elude me- and also bother me- until I die :sweat_smile:

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Yes, definitely better!

I did a quick post fx to highlight some stuff I’d do but please keep in mind this is just my personal preference and rushed :slight_smile:

Some things I did:
Contrast, slight camera focus blur, seperated the colors (blue in focal point, more orange surrounding it), highlighted the silhouettes by enhancing the light at the edges


Wow, that’s gorgeous, thank you! I definitely should have done that :sweat_smile: Thanks for those ideas, now I know what to work on next time :slight_smile:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


Wow it’s a good week for me I guess :sweat_smile: Thank you very much!

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