Goz for blender 2.8

there was/is some limitation with whitespaces and they need to be replaced. Since i cant remember the exact reason i will have a look if that limitation can be removed.

EDIT: i quickly checked and zbrush replaces whitespaces when using GoZ with underlines so that seems to be the reason. and since i cant change the export behaviour of zbrush that is not likely to be fixed without writing a custom GoZ exporter for zbrush.

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I see, that’s too bad. In that case I better change my naming habits here to avoid confusion in the future.
Thanks for looking it up! :slight_smile:

Hi there. I just installed GoB on blender ver 2.91 and i can’t export files. Im getting the following error. Can anyone help me solve this?

Preformatted text
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Users\EvNj\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons\GoB\GoB.py", line 1322, in invoke
    return self.execute(context)
  File "C:\Users\EvNj\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons\GoB\GoB.py", line 1420, in execute
  File "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Blender\2.91\scripts\modules\bpy\ops.py", line 132, in __call__
    ret = _op_call(self.idname_py(), None, kw)
RuntimeError: Error: Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\EvNj\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons\GoB\GoB.py", line 1466, in execute
    i,zfolder = max_list_value(os.listdir(self.filepath))
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'C:/Program Files/Pixologic/'

location: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Blender\2.91\scripts\modules\bpy\ops.py:132

location: <unknown location>:-1

Preformatted text

@ImGeorge can you try the version that is attached to this ticket? there have been other reports like this and i hopefully fixed it in this version:

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Yep, I made a custom path to ZBrush and it worked out. Thank you!

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glad it worked:D and thanks for letting me know!

Has been following this addon from the start. In the earlier version, there is many strange behaviors like the name, scaling and cannot importing to the current tool so I still prefer to export/import using STL format because the behavior is always correct.
Until now I just tested the lasted version, and everything seems to work as expected bridging between the two programs perfectly. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this addon.


@kromar I’m wondering: would it be possible to import and export objects with their relative location, rotation and scale in Blender? That would make it possible to arrange objects in a Blender scene, go to ZBrush to sculpt a subtool, then have the corresponding Blender object updated while retaining its location / rotation / scale in the scene, in stead of being reset to the Blender world center.

To achieve this, maybe the loc/rot/scale of each Blender object can be stored as an offset from the world center, and restored after importing?

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good question, i will need to have a look and think about how it could be done.


Great, thanks! :+1:

version 3.5.45 has been released with a bunch of fixes and improvements, head over to github to check out what’s new and to get the latest version


Cool, thanks! :+1::+1:

I really hope someone can help me out…

I’ve imported a model from ZBrush into Blender using GoB, and want to sculpt on it in Dyntopo mode.

When activating Dyntopo I get the familiar warning that vertex data is detected. But I’ve deleted every single data type from the Object Data Properties, even the object’s materials, and I still keep getting the warning every time I reactivate Dyntopo.

What am I overlooking?

i think you always get that warning to let you know that the data is not preserved.

It seems like this has been asked couple times already. Is there any progress on how to access the face sets or implementing in the add-on? I have been trying to find ways to access them so that I can do conversion between the face maps and face sets. It is a bit of frustrating that we have these two separate face data and in some ways they are misplaced. I do not see why face sets and face maps can’t be used interchangeably in the sculpting context, one can only convert from face maps to face sets in the sculpt mode, but not the other way around. This is a bit of a drag given we can’t combine these comfortably between Zbrush and Blender.

last time i checked it was only possible to convert face maps to face sets and not the other way around. The Face Maps however are intended for use in animation and there will most likely never be a bidirectional exchange of data.
Since there is no access to the face sets data directly (at the moment) as far as i am aware, i added this way to get the polygroups into blender.

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Modifires not aplying on export.
Error on Export and Apply option :pensive:

 Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.92\scripts\addons\GoB-3_5_45\GoB.py", line 1048, in invoke
    return self.execute(context)
  File "AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.92\scripts\addons\GoB-3_5_45\GoB.py", line 1169, in execute
    self.exportGoZ(PATH_GOZ, context.scene, obj, f'{PATH_PROJECT}')
  File "AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.92\scripts\addons\GoB-3_5_45\GoB.py", line 689, in exportGoZ
    me = apply_modifiers(obj)
  File "AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.92\scripts\addons\GoB-3_5_45\GoB.py", line 1604, in apply_modifiers
    obj.data = mesh_tmp
RuntimeError: Error: Can only assign evaluated data to evaluated object, or original data to original object

location: <unknown location>:-1

@youthatninja any particular modifiers you have on your mesh or does it happen with all modifiers?

Looks like it ignore all of them

@youthatninja can you give this v3.5.46 a try and see if you get any issues with the modifiers and if it behaves as expected?

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