Goz for blender 2.8

@PolyGreen hey I had a similar issue to begin with and it was down to a simple issue for me…

Zbrush does not support Ngon faces and will crash immediately if you use GOB to transfer a mesh with anything other than a quad or tri.

Check if the standard cube transfers. Hope that helps.

I’ve tried installing from the .zip file, from the GoB.py, init.py, just dropping the folder in the appropriate folder in appdata blender 2.8 scripts…

But nothing makes the add-on pop-up inside blender on the add-ons list. :confused:

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I guess I’m the only one struggling with this huh

I’ve got exactly same problem.
Fixed by removing “blender” folder from zip.

Or just simply repack all the files without mentioned folder. Don’t forget that parent folder should be the first to open in your archive, so: GoB.Zip>GoB Folder>GoB Files. Then install from it.

image Your archive should contain only those files.

Use Izarc or 7-zip to create your zips…

Thx for chiming in!
Doesn’t seem to be the fix for my issue, though. It works as expected in that it says modules installed, I can see the folder and contents (without Blender folder) in the scripts>addons in 2.8 temp folder
But it just won’t appear in the add-on list :confused:

Try clear install, removing blender’s temp folders and trying it again.
Maybe it’s something in the GoB’s zip name or folder name, i can’t really say. You tried both my methods?

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Guys there was some problem with name of folder for gob (github automatically adds branch name suffix, to zip file folder).

Removing . from goz folder name may help in some cases. I already renamed branch to get rid of dot:
from: blender-2.8, to blender_28


zbrush 2019

Life saver, thanks!! This fixed it for me, if anyone else was having issues with the thingy appearing in add-ons list.

EDIT: Perhaps you could make a new/update the release tab (still shows 2.8 for me)?
I usually go there instead of just going to the fork/download button and I doubt I’ll be the only one.
EDITEDIT: Already noticed something odd/not working. Do you prefer it to be just posted here or Github issues or what? (In this case, it seems like Primitives in Zbrush can’t be sent. So for example if you select Ring3D and press GoZ nothing happens. Press Make PolyMesh3D, press GoZ, things work as expected. I guess it might be hard to implement if the converting has to be done in Zbrush but I guess just having warning along the lines of “Only meshes supported” or such might help.)

The last line seems to say that there is something wrong with the objectlist file.
For me this file is in users/public/pixologic/GoZbrush
The file itself seems to update to always have the name of the last subtool you pressed “GoZ” on. (So it keeps track of last sent tool?)
Mayhaps how this is done has changed in 2019. Or maybe there is something wrong with your GoZ configuration and the file doesnt exist because of that.

v2.0.1 - for blender 2.8

  • open files using with, - this will unlock exchange files even if addon crashes.
  • better obj name decode (in past sometimes gob would not recognize incoming mesh is same as existing obj, because name would not match)
  • print more descriptive errors, so that users will have easier time figuring out what may be wrong with theirs goz setup
  • option in preferences to ignore modifiers, export modifiers, apply and export
  • option to flip object on export (may help some users that were reporting bad mesh orientation)


So i use Heavypoly ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQKUCjTRzTk&t=2s)config for my blender and have new Zbrush 2019. Will this Goz script work with that !?

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Hello JoseConseco thank you for the add on,Quick question why I can send my models to zbrush 2019 but i cannot send the update model back into blender,when hitting the goz button in zbrush it just says “file save to disk successfully”.I thought it work as a two way street.So in a nut shell,I can goz out of blender 2.8 into zbrush 2019 but I cannot goz back into blender with updated mesh.Did I do something wrong? Need help!

P.S.in your past add on ther was two buttons in blender the blue use to export it out of Blender when the you updated your model in Zbrush the blue icon use to turn green,telling you that an update was ready from Zbrush,then you click the green button and your update appear in Blender.

maybe check - zbrush preferences - GOZ -> path to blender. This may help. I do not remember to two icon state, maybe previous developer made this feature. The way it is now, blender automatically check for changes in goz folder and import models if new are detected

I did the thing with the path in Zbrush but it still saying “file save to disk successfully”. I added Gob in addons but i cant find goz buttons in blender i dont know if it because i use heavypoly config.?!

Hi so i think i figure out the problem.In this script u have Import and export options u have to press on the import button in blender before u can use “Goz” in zbrush. But its only first time. P.s u can also remap those buttons by makin a new (bpy.menu) and do this commads pie.operator(“scene.gob_export”, text=“GoZ_Export”, icon=‘NONE’)
pie.operator(“scene.gob_import”, text=“GoZ_Import”, icon=‘NONE’)

Helllo Jose I did what you said but it still did not work /I can export out of blender 2.8 into zbrush 2018 and 2019 with no problems it even opens up the latest version of zbrush (2018 /2019),but after i make changes to a model or I try starting a project in zbrush and send via Goz to blender 2.8 and it seems like it works but it just gives me this message a /file save to disk successfully/ nothing happens blender does not open or updates with any zbrush stuff…oh by the way I try with both scripts and the same thing but this time it made a folder on my desktop name blender and inside was a text document that read /GoZ_Info.txt (200 Bytes)
Maybe that will help with my problem…/////or maybe not…lol
Thanks for the response again,wish it would have solve the problem,next time I guess…

Hi thanks for responding,but where is this import button that I must run for the first time,I only see the export button at the top of the header…can you show me where is it?

Thank You again for helping out much appreciated.

Do u have Discord !? I can explain it there.! Or here is mine SubrosaRose#0263 Just add me

Hi I apologize but I do not have Discord,but I’m still very interested in your explanation…

once again many thanks for the help/