this is show - how much easier release function on what platform!
what do you all think? Why is it easier for developers to develop and develop under CUDA and then at least how to finish at least something for OpenCL - do you really think that this is simply so? Just because they want CUDA so much and no OpenCL - and can you ask Brecht a question if there is a possibility in private that he could say everything he thinks about OpenCL, AMD …
You can ask on luxrender forum from devs - why they after so much year add CUDA to Luxrender ?
yes - very strong track record…
even in luxrender now CUDA faster than openCL
1- Octane - cuda ONLY
2- Fstorm - CUDA ONLY
3- REDshift - CUDA ONLY
Even Marvelous Designer simulations say NO to AMD
and so on…
how from this appear “AMD strong track record”…i do not understand…at all