Graswald - News and Work in Progress

Hey guys,
today not so much a dev update but some information on a bug we discovered with the help of a friendly user:

If you tried G Scatter in the recent past, but every time you wanted to scatter something you got an error saying “key ‘Group Node’ not found” AND you are using a different UI language than English then that’s the reason it fails.

We just found out that currently G Scatter seems to only work properly in English.
It’s a little embarrassing, I know. But I thought it’s better to communicate this as a known limitation than giving no explanation at all.
With this information maybe you want to give it a try again.

In any case, rest assured that we are working on it.

Until next time,

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what’s the way to get the assets from Grasswald Pro (Blendermarket) into G-Scatter 0.4?

And will G-Scatter will be bundles with Grasswald Pro (Blendermarket) in the future, if it becomes the main scatter tool?

edit: ok… the g-scatter 0.2 pack from Blendermarket works for g-scatter 0.4

Yes the pack for gscatter 0.2 works for all G Scatter versions. We should probably change the name. Thanks for mentioning it.

I am not sure I understand the question if it will be bundeled with Graswald Pro. Can you elaborate on that?

At the moment, I’ve to download G-Scatter from the Grasswald website.

I think it would be nice, if G-Scatter would be also in my Grasswald Pro Blendermarket downloads, so I can download everything from one place.

I guess that G-Scatter becomes in the future the new default and you will stop developing, after some time, the old Graswald Pro Blender scatterer, based on particles?

I saw that you have in the G-Scatter shop some new assets, like the Forest Floor Pack. Do you plan to add these packs also to Blendermarket? And if bought via your shop, how do you handle re-download?

And could it be that the assets of the other packs, like Forest Floor Pack or European Meadow Pack are includeded into the Grasswald Pro pack?

  At the moment, I’ve to download G-Scatter from the Grasswald website.

Yes, but you have to do that only once. G Scatter already includes an updater which informs you as soon as a new version is available. Then you can simply update via a button press in the addon.
Therefore it makes not a lot of sense for us to keep uploading G Scatter versions to other platforms.

 I guess that G-Scatter becomes in the future the new default and you will stop developing, after some 
 time, the old Graswald Pro Blender scatterer, based on particles?


We also plan to remove the shop part from our asset manager in the near future since the shopping experience on our website will be far superior.
After you bought a product there you will be able to download your assets via G Scatter or on the website as often as you like.

And could it be that the assets of the other packs, like Forest Floor Pack or European Meadow Pack 
are includeded into the Grasswald Pro pack?

Yes, that’s true. It is indeed a little confusing and one of the reasons we’ll remove the shop component from the asset manager.

[G Scatter Dev Update]

Hey guys, we just released G Scatter 0.4.2. Overall it’s a small release with some bug fixes and some quality of life improvements. One thing is crucial with this one though. Since we are moving some of our backend processes to new servers, you do not get any updates inside the add-on anymore, if you don’t update to 0.4.2. This is because the old updater will not be able to find us on the net anymore.
If you haven’t tried G Scatter yet, get it here:

Until next time,

When i updated, all my scatters in the file was lost in the g-scatter.

I have a heretical question.

I guess, with the free g-scatter your focus will go into selling assets instead of a scatter software with assets.

Would it be conceivable that you also provide for scatter packs for Scatter 5, so that we can use our Grasswald assets easily also in Scatter 5? It would be nice, if we can choose more easy the scatter solution we need for a task.

Would also love to see these Biomes for Grasswald aseets - for g-scatter AND Scatter 5. :wink:

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I am sorry for this but as long as G Scatter is beta software this will happen from time to time. Please understand that we do not guarantee backward compatibility between versions until 1.0 is out. Otherwise we would not be able to make changes to the core architecture.

We will however note breaking changes in the change logs in the future so you are at least aware.
You can visit our change log page by clicking “What’s new” in the G Scatter info panel or by visiting

Again very sorry, but that’s just how it is for the moment.

Well nothing is impossible, but that is certainly not our focus right now.
BTW: G Scatter will get what we call dynamic environments sometime in the next couple months.
We call them dynamic because changes to some assets in the environment will produce changes to other assets in the system.

Here are some examples:

  • Dead Leaves that accumulate under trees
  • Small pebbles that arrange around larger rocks
  • Plants that don’t grow under objects
  • Moss that automatically accumulates in certain places
  • Plant species that often grow together

This will be based on our effect layer system and is already partly achievable with said system. But it will be much easier to set up and of course can always be deactivated for artistic fine control.
You will also be able to create your own environment systems, reuse and share them with others.

Please note that the above are just examples. Graswald does not offer stones, rocks or trees at the moment.


I completely agree with this
the guys at Scatter5 invented the biome system for blender, Graswald + Scatter5 could be a killer duo

these kind of features sounds also pretty intresting.

But it would be still awesome if we get Grasswald for Scatter 5 and BProdution assets (like Grassblade) also for G-Scatter. I just want to decide which Scatter is the best for a specific task.

There was a point in time these that graswald and scatter worked together…wonder what happened i used to like that colab

As one of the G Scatter devs I can only talk about that, but don’t expect any drama. Scatter5 is great. Graswald just has their own vision for a scattering tool. So Dorian builds his house and we are building ours. More tools for you to choose or mix and match.

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BTW: If you want to help shape G Scatter development you are welcome to join our discord server:

Hi Arle

With the arrival of Geometry-Node we both needed to redo everything from scratch, therefore the collab was paused, that’s all :slight_smile:

However, the recent name change from “Graswald 1.3.7” to “GScatter” left me wondering if they are still interested. :thinking: If Julius wants to have biome packs available for the biome system we innovated years ago, it’s totally possible, they just need to contact me on the Scatter5 thread.


so beautiful to see this harmony on the scatter products, after all this cat fighting on the cycles render engines products :heart_eyes:

Would love to see a cooperation between G-Scatter and Scatter 5.


[G Scatter Dev Update]

Hey guys,
to give you an idea how the upcoming effect manager works and what it might be used for I took Antoine Bagattini’s ivy generator node tree, that he kindly distributes for free here and made it a geometry effect. All credit for the node tree goes to Antoine and I am just using it here for demonstration purposes. It will not be included in G Scatter.

What I had to do to make this work was:

  • Load the file containing the node tree
  • Make the node tree a new node group
  • Fill out the effect form (name, author, effect category, icon to be used etc.)
  • Hit “Save Selected Node as Effect”
  • Done¹

Now the ivy can be scattered like any other geometry with the added benefit that it will dynamically react to the scene (grow upwards on the columns in this case) and of course it can be combined with other effects like any static geometry would.

1 I also changed the “Target geometry” node from “Collection Info” to “Object Info” but that was just a choice and not necessary.


[G Scatter Dev Update]

Hey guys,
just created this animated noise effect with the node editor and effect manager. After that just add it to the rotation channel of your scatter system. No programming required.

Of course you can add it where you want :wink:

BTW: Did I mention that you will be able to upload/download new effects to/from our servers directly in Blender (probably not with the first release of the effect manager though) ?


These videos seems only to work in Chrome but not on FF and Safari.