Free textures are great, but there’s always a catch-- you have to credit the author, or promise not to re-distribute the images. Even CGtextures, a site I gave my hard-earned money to, won’t let me re-package the images if I want to release my project files.
So one day, I was like, “Enough of this! I’m going to take my own grunge texture images.”
…So I did. I got a high-quality digital SLR camera and a tripod and spent a whole day shooting photos around dumpsters and parking decks. And now, I’m going to share my library with everyone! Under public domain! So you don’t have to worry about licensing! Isn’t that nice?
There are 119 images in this library, mostly of brick, metal and concrete surfaces. They are lightly retouched in Photoshop and are all either 2K or 4K in resolution, making them suitable as elements in print or HD computer graphics.
Thank you very very much.
Your thread gave me an idea.
Why not starting a texturing thread? In blendertesting topic maybe. Or elsewhere.
We can share our texture photos (I have some good ones), advises for how to make them seamless as possible (I already have some), clever tricks involving UV editor and UV painting. It’s about time. A humble project with nice impact to all users and their renderings.
Why not? I could start it if you like. But let’s make it a non personal thread or something. Mods can help.
It could be great to have sections, like sky images, hdri environments, seamless textures, technics.
Blender doesn’t come with ready libraries of course but we could do our best.
Just reminding you Google SketchUp. You all possibly know google 3dwarehouse and how powerful freeware community they became.
I’m sure that I’m not the first to propose this. It’s hard to start searching.
Thanks for doing this btw. If I can eventually get organised I plan to get a snazzy new camera sometime before the year is out and start doing the same.