Ha-112-II Engine

As a part of a bigger project I felt the need to model this engine, acording to my research its a “Ha-112-II” with 14 cylinders, used as a replacement for the linear engine due to world war II. It took me a lot of time to figure it out some parts of the back but I think its done.

The main project is still in progress wich is a kawasaki Ki -100 fighter (randomly selected). The purpose was to remake it from a previous project with more detail. The engine it’s done, the cockpit it’s done, but there’s still a lot of work ahead.

This is the main project.

This was the original model, as you can see was too rough and was rendered with the blender engine so you can imagine how old it is.


Great work, congrats. :+1:

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Really nice work! Amazing detail.

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Wow, it’s amazing work Amazing detail.

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