Hair - Medusa Nodes

Hi. English is not my native language.
I watched youtube tutorial 3 times and practiced for over 6 hours.
Successfully I can deal with some problems by myself. It’s stable. good.
undo works very well!!!

  1. I think medusa node addon makes blender save image textures every time i save blender file. I need an option… It’s kind of buggy when I try to save the blend file every time because i have to save textures again. Surely, I’ve turned off addon settings (automatic tex backup - off) my blender version. 3.4.1. - I think users can turn it off for purpose.

  2. Clump mask map works strangely. When I fill it with while color it works. but if I fill it with black and start paint white in the bang… it doesn’t seem to work. I tried many different ways but found it has some problem. after I painted fill with black on mask, i started painting with white brush on some part like bang for clumping. but it is not working. Strangely it worked when I added white a bit in the back side of head or somewhere else… found no rules to work. I adjusted clump density or something else…but don’t know why. Don’t understand the reason at all. // I used region map for bang too but it works well with ‘closest’ settings.

I think there should be more tutorial… like document… for various kind of hairs.
something like bang with tails. I hope.

Thank you.
I really am… looking forward to simulation later~


@ikakupa, I have tried 1.0.3. UI in the new menu is good :muscle: :+1:

and how about adding them in “Delete Groom”?
When many grooms set in Outliner, Users might want to control them within only 3D Viewport to avoid confusion, which means that It will be good if operations of Medusa Nodes complete in a single screen like 3D Viewport. :grinning:

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Is Hair info per point node going to come in Bleder 3.5? That simplify some nodes, so Medusa Nodes might be forced to change the present assembly of nodes :face_with_monocle:

Hello @JBJ,

  1. Regarding the texture saving issue, from what I understand, the issue is that everytime you save the scene the Blender hangs up, because of the automatic texture saving.
    We can have an option to not save any textures when saving, Ideally the addon should save only the changed textures but there is no such feature yet.

  2. I can confirm the issue with the painted texture maps with Clump deformer used on Mask. The behavior is definitely messed up.
    Fortunately it is an easy fix and will be in the next update.

Agree, we need more tutorials and the documentation needs a lot more work.

Thanks for the feedback!

Hey @shaku_cg,

Definitely makes sense, we can do that.

The Medusa Nodes node groups will change, hopefully to become faster. Something like the “hair info per point” is already used in the deformers internally.


Amazing. Thank you.
I successfully have done simulation in 3.4. I used guide hair. I make 2 proxy meshes for the guide hair. I used cloth simulation. it was from the guide in this site.

(Rig and simulate Hair Curves on Blender 3.3)
I would like to say thank you for the author.

I think region map is really good stuff.
It makes me do more realistic hair.
This addon can be the main GN hair tool in the future. I think…



Thanks for sharing that.

Here is a little update.

v1.0.4 (06/02/23):

  • Fixed bug where the Clump deformers Mask input would not get affected by the painted textures.

You can check addons Preferences menu for the update. Feel free to let me know if it works for you.


I found another problem… which I solved at the first try a while ago… I thought I did something wrong but this time I can’t solve this problem by myself.
When I add guide after creation, there are default guides which I can hardly handle.
In your youtube, I found you deleted default guide curves, but I can’t…
grow/shink…move, select, delete. nothing works. the premade guide hair I mean…
but I can add more guides it works good.
please check this out.

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Hey @JBJ,
Does disabling the “Generate” option on the Generator of the Guide Curves object help?

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My mistake. Sorry.
I watched your youtube again and recognized what I was wrong.
I forgot this feature was not available.


@ikakupa , May I publish ideas or tips of design about a hair style here?

It would be in the form of sharing features of Medusa Nodes that are useful for creating certain hairstyles.It can be used a basement of presets of hair style in the future.

This forum seems to be mainly for technical, so it seems not to be compatible for such an accumulation of tips. I would like to know the better place to share such a hair design idea about Medusa Nodes if any, gor example, how about GitHub>Projects page? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey shaku,

Ideally this thread should not be that technical. I am planning to post here the development updates and more general information on Medusa Nodes.

For the new ideas and feature requests I would probably prefer having them on GitHub. In my opinion this already helps to keep track of them, even though I am novice to the platform myself.

For the Tips & Tricks I would maybe wait a bit on that, as I think there should be proper documentation first. Many of the bugs and issues are caused by the lack of documentation and tutorials.

PS.: You could straighten the curls like this.


Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I understood these segmentations that general info prefer to be here and ideas and feature requests has been available in GitHub, and Tips & Tricks will be after documentation and tutorials :muscle:

You could straighten the curls like this.

:laughing: Wow, this is the better way to get them!Thank you!

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My first groom ever. Not perfect but think it starting to look pretty good. Still learning how geometry nodes work but this pluglin has help me out a lot. Used the braid deformer with a custom curl and hair noise node set up. Couldn’t figure out how to get tight hair coils with the built in curl deformer but I’m pretty sure it’s possible. Hope Blender add something like this to the hair system natively.


Thanks for sharing that @DeAndre_Johnson! It is quite hard to make this kind of hair style, your approach in regards to Braid modifier makes a lot of sense. Good job on that! Perhaps for dreads addon should feature special deformer wich will make it easier to make different versions of fishbone dread styles.

awesome stuff.
I was wondering, would it be possible to add a mirror guides option, like in Xgen? select some guides, press a mirror button and those get directly mirrored on the other side? that would be super handy…
thanks :slight_smile:

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I am not sure but this kind of function could be already planned by the Blender dev team. If not, it probably makes sense to have this kind of operator in the Medusa Nodes’s UI.

Does the regular “Add” Brush with symmetry enabled give you similar results?

I think this addon keeps trying to find when activated. (my opinion)
It causes freezing for about over 10 seconds.
It keeps freezing but not dead. I tried to make medusa hair on premade character.
this happens not every file… ever version.
When i opened this problematic character blender file with 3.2 version, it doesn’t happen… but after 3.3 version it happens. I can’t find any error messages on windows console.
So don’t know why it keeps freezing blender for sometiime. after that it happens again.
It freezes for some time and works again… repeat this. don’t know why.
but after some freezing moment, when i clicked ‘new groom’. freezing stops… after 3.3 version.
it works relatively well after that. I mean in sculpt mode. but~~~ In object mode it happens again…

the only clue i can see is this character has brow gn hair…
and when i save this file, i can see this error message…
traceback… line 3377
"AttributeError:‘NodeType’ obejct has no attribute ‘is_dirty’
but saving is successful.

this symptom happens not every file but a few files. very strange…
when i turn off this addon, this freezing doesn’t appear at all. so i assume that this addon do something has to do with this symptom
Is there any solution?

It sounds like your premade character maybe has some kind of GN node-groups on the hair curves object, this might through off the Medusa Nodes Hierarchy.

If you could send me the scene via DMs it would be easier to investigate the issue. Thank you!

sorry, sending file seems not availble for now.

but I found the freezing happens when my base bodymesh(not scalp mesh) selected…
or open preference browser or turn on and off some modifiers.
the base body mesh has 1 gn node for brows.
I used just simple nodes which JohnnyMatthews shared with and public einar hair nodes. kind of simple. not so professional combination of nodes.

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Ok, thanks for the additional information, I will look into that.

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