Hans Reiser Convicted: Guilty

So, Hans Reiser, a major Linux developer, has finally been convicted of First-Degree Murder after a trial of six months. I’ve been following the case from the beginning, and I must say that I still honestly don’t know whether he’s really guilty or not. The case is very strange, and though much of the circumstantial evidence is damning, there is no really solid evidence for the crime. Is he guilty? Maybe. What do all of you think?

would linux die now if he is as well ?

I’ve stated since the beginning that I had mixed feelings about it but felt he’d be found guilty just because of his personality. People have a tendancy to fear/shun anything different then themselves, and Reiser is everything but normal.

Too bad the only thing that can save him now is his wife returning from Russia or popping up thru a credit search/traffic stop. Hopefully, if this happens, it happens while he’s still in prison. The idea of double jeopardy would be a scary thought if you are the murder “victim” lol.

Heh, this is my favorite line from the Wired article:

After the jury left, judge Goodman summed up his opinion of Reiser

“You are rude,” he said. "You are arrogant. There are not enough words in the English language to describe the way you are.

But the jurors found a word on Monday: guilty.

But yeah, it’s another court case that I can point to when I give the advice that if you are ever arrested ask for a lawyer immediately, don’t say another word, and do exactly what your lawyer says. Too many—possibly innocent people—get in trouble for not knowing how to keep their mouth shut when they get arrested and in the court room. I don’t know if Reiser was in fact innocent or not, but it sounded like he contradicted himself too many times and said too many stupid things that gave the jury, beyond any reasonable doubt, the impression that he murdered her.

The evidence is incredibly damning. I highly doubt that he is innocent. However, whether this is first degree murder (implies premeditation?) or not is another matter.

Wow, thats really too bad… checking out that link now.

Another reason to hate Linux*

*massive joke, Linux is great if youre into it, I know its betetr than windows.


Micro$oft is right! Developing open source software leads to murder!


just joking, the loss to reiser is really no big deal, his file system was buggy and outdated anyway. EXT3 is much better all around.

Cor this is shocking.

Wait, wats the conviction? Jail time?

First degree murder, depending on where you live, can be sentenced to death. Unfortunately for him, California has a strict death penalty law. He’s facing life in jail or death by lethal injection, I’m guessing. With the way that he was described, I wouldn’t be surprised if the jury favored the latter.

EDIT: Just how involved with Linux was this guy?

or maybe how involved linux was ?

He invented the Reiser partition for linux. That’s why linux is fast.

His wife was having an affair with a person who has ADMITTED to something like 8 killings. The Jury was NOT allowed to hear about this minor little item.

The wheels of Justice grind again.

Talk about timing. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/042908dnmetexoneration.ac1ea2cc.html

Let’s just say that I don’t EVER want to find myself in front of a “jury of my peers” legal oratory and the pre-trial manipulation process seems to be the defining factor, not “proof” “justice” or “reasonableness”.

The last time I was on Jury duty, the prosecution built up a “case” of theft from a missing banana, and a basement dweller, who “thinks” some quarters were taken from their piggy bank. Half the idiots on the Jury were ready to throw the defendant in jail based on the noise coming out of the Prosecuters gob.

Sickening… I pray justice really is being served in Reisers case.

Alty - not funny, this is a man’s LIFE at stake.


Am I Alty? Im assuming so. Its horrible(whether its justice or not, the whole situation is bad), Im just lightening the mood.

true that.

After the jury left, judge Goodman summed up his opinion of Reiser

“You are rude,” he said. "You are arrogant. There are not enough words in the English language to describe the way you are.

I’ve got two -

Not O.J.

Seriously, your head has grown too big when you think a Linux dev can kill like a football hero and walk.

True That!

It could be another statist Illuminati. You know why they try to convict Michal Jackson don’t you ? Because he knew the truth about the FEDS. So they try to miss lead a child into tricking them into believing that they were abuse.

You know why Michal Jackson tell story of Peter Pan ? Because the FEDS are captain hook, that’s why. They are pirates that suck the blood from the living. Ever since Goldwater and Rockefeller, they been scamming the American people from the beginning.

The power that be can try all they want to censor the public, but there game has already been expose. Its too late and justice will flow like water from the one true king of the lord our god.

He did invent that file system, but it’s not used all that much and certainly isn’t a default option.

His wife was having an affair with a person who has ADMITTED to something like 8 killings. The Jury was NOT allowed to hear about this minor little item.

Have you read the evidence against Reiser? Just maybe there was no bloody evidence against the other guy, so bringing it up would have been irrelevant. There was, however, plenty of evidence against Reiser.

I thought this was about government and linux, not conspiracy theories.

If he really did the crime then he has to do the time.