Harakiri (Project: The Other) - COMPLETED

wow… yeah… it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here… but the film kinda has to be finished this week (though it’s technically only due the following friday, I won’t really have time to work on it after this week)

Since it’s for a school art project, technical skill really doesnt count so much, so I’m not looking for any criticism just yet. I just wanna get it done this week and see if I have time to refine it after that.

Anyway, I’ve decided to split the film into three sort of sections. the first being an introduction and sequence of events that trigger the rest of them. The middle being a strange flashy collection of similar images. The last being the climax and conclusion.

Without giving too much away (not that there is much to give away really) here is one of said images a part of the middle section along with it’s distorted counterpart. These images will only be shown for ~0.5 seconds each
This one being made entirely in Blender

This one being drawn in gimp using the previous image as a guide for structure.

I really wish that I had more time (i.e. was less lazy) to make this a little more technically kick-ass… I guess this won’t be making it into my porfolio :confused:

But yeah, expect a considerably larger amount of progress this week (and I’ll be needing your help to pull it together!)

Got another little pair of nameless images done this morning using an old scene of mine


The idea of using part works as a base for these images seems to be a good idea :slight_smile: though I don’t really have many past works left to use… hmm…

And since I cant remember how I made the original redrawn version look so cool (imo), I cant seem to replicate it properly… but I think it will have to do
(and the slight difference in colours of my two monitors isn’t helping either…)

Worked on this today as well. I’m expecting some rapage in terms of criticism :slight_smile: (that’s not an invitation btw…)

Got the title sequence done today (busy rendering as I type) among many other things… I’m starting to wonder if I’m going to finish on time…

Excuse the terrible compression artefacts…

finished the little climax (not to say that I’ve finished. i just thought i’d do that now)

Looking really good, can’t wait to see it finished :slight_smile:
I really like the title sequence as well.

Here’s the film so far (a nice chunk missing from the middle as I haven’t done that yet :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m [not very] proud to announce that the final scenes are rendering on RenderWeb (help me if you can!!) as the due date (for reals this time) is on friday. So expect to see it done sometime either tomorrow or friday.
But don’t expect much… time is limited and there are many quick fixes (like artifacts for example) that I haven’t had the time to fix…

aaaaand yet another extension :slight_smile: till next thursday (though i need to finish soon coz i have other big projects to do before then too)

It is done:

Not very proud of it…

What is the song?