Hard Ops Thread

Sorry, english not my native language =)
Long story short. But I will try to explain it more clearly.
May be I’m wrong, but I’ve notice that default hops and box settings are follow to the world units scale accordingly.

But if we change the units in Scene Properties > Units > Scale > set 1.0 to 0.01 (or reverse), then bevel default width in some cases may be broken. For example - if user determine to preset the default value (size\demension) of the future created primitives (shift+a>mesh). And will set it’s value custom (like 2cm), instead of default by Blender 200cm.
So in the end user default bevel width on object with size of 2cm - will be set to 1cm. With very high sensitivity to modify it with mouse movement (left\right).

More of it. Following this steps the Grid in Box became broken after trying to rescale it (no matter what setting are set up in D menu), right after the call of ctrl+mouse wheel. So user can snap his cut to the grid not lower than 1cm.

I understand that users can broke anything or this is can be some Blender limitation, so I’m just asking what I’m doing wrong.

there is definitely limitations with floating point math and certain scales that makes it not possible to do some of what you are asking about. Working below certain numbers breaks both booleans and interaction systems not to mention z fighting but its something we experiment with. Changing scene settings will definitely open a portal to scenarios where we cant work right due to differences in the math on multiple levels.


#boxcutter 719_6 is out now.


For this update a release log has been prepared.

Installation has also been covered in depth with 3.0.



There is no easy way to do it since modifiers rely on those base values, if you try to scale the object down and then adjust the width on the bevel modifier directly you will notice the same problematic behavior.
Unfortunately, the scale should always be applied for modifiers to work in the correct way.

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Hello again.
I’m getting the same slow performance issue in Blender 3.0 with NGon drawing (box and circle works fine). Boxcutter 7.19.6

attached is my test with ngon

depending on mods used and if exact is in play speed can be impacted.

things are capable of speeding up after a smart apply or working in pause.

When the going gets tough pause mode is also recommended.

Hope that helps. Without seeing the issue it is hard to diagnose or judge.

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Well, your tests might be irrelevant since you have a top-end machine.
But on my i7 6700k 1080ti+1070 I’m getting low FPS (and basically slideshow on my notebook) on a simple model with fast booleans.
It worked before just fine. So it might be an issue in one of the updates.

This isn’t a slow perfomance, but rather sophisticated whining :wink:

Well, on notebook with i5 8th generation and MX150 I’m getting 2-5 FPS in the viewport when I’m pressing the Tab button to move around the camera. On main PC - less than 15-20 FPS, which is also not acceptable. MasterXeon1001 fixed a similar issue with Box/Circle, hope he will fix it with NGons too…

Update: another video, added a couple more of points in NGon and got the same 2-5 FPS even on main PC (i7, 1080ti+1070)

Just an idea. Try an older version until speed is normal, if…it’s the case !
Compare the settings. So masterxeon 1001 get an better idea, what’s going on.
Also sometimes it’s good to reinstall it incl. blender. Or copy a brand new startup.blend and try with it.
Sometimes when changing the startup.blend to often, it get’s kinda buggy.

Also if masterxeaon1001 uses a fast machine makes no difference in this tests, because he is clearly showing, when it’s slow & how to fix it. And you could see a big performance difference, on how he did it.

You should be able to replicate it.
I’m on mac, that usually has more issues with addons and such, but when I run slow, I’m happy I can use this solutions.

I myself have for this reason special meshes where I perform always the same manipulations, to see if it behaves the same after the update, same for rendering with everything ticked on to see differences in renders over the time of all the updates. Those meshes and render scenes don’t change, they only exist for that purpose.
If something is wrong I first try to think what I have changed in the meantime, is it the update of blender or the addon…mabe the f…ed up Keymaps.

Anyways, you may have checked most of this here, but sometimes…

Using multiple modifiers on the cutter in Tab mode is also bound to have some performance issues as well. Just mirroring adds weight to the drawing and makes performance heavier and possibly exposes a bug in ngon points. I look at your example and imagine python trying to draw all of that while being live. Mirror being in use at that point probably 2x or 4xs the processing work involved i bet.
I’m sure even hardware / drivers can impact performance at this point.

Rather than try to mirror using BC which is just extra weight. I would just let sort handle it by mirroring on the main mesh.

Shift to live remains crucial for working around any issues that can occur.

Tab to pause in an interim state for managing fine touches but it can be overwhelmed with heavy geometry and computationally heavy modifiers. I might mitigate such issues in my personal work by shifting to live and using blender when the going gets tough on intimate operations than trying to perfect everything in a single modal.

Ngon points is still fairly new and requires some time before it can even propagate.

We’ll have to see what can be done but hopefully that should offer some tips.

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Blender 3.0:
BoxCutter 719_5_1 - has such an issue.
BoxCutter 719_4 and below - not work properly with Blender 3.0 - instead of cuts, it generates lattice objects or generates errors.

Tested version 719_3 with Blender 2.93 with a vanilla startup.blend file and only Hops and BoxCutter addons enabled - the same issue.
Don’t have older versions of Boxcutter, nor do I want to test it more due to lack of time.

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I see, thanks for the tips!
Will wait for further updates then.

Just to finally post the issue, with asset loader, the thumbnails are black…

Only with blender 3.0
Everything is fine with blender 2.93.4 and blender 2.93.5

Nothing to do with my custom library or thumbnails, with default kitops library it’s the same thing and with decalmachine library too, but only in the asset loader.

we’ll have to check into what causes it. They appear fine on my side. Could be gpu or something unique to your system.

Thanks for the report we’ll have to see what is causing that. My guess is gpu drivers or something related to display on the specific system.

I’ve been having everyone test their thumbnailers but I cant find a factor yet.


I agree, this could be gpu drivers related, i’m on an rtx 3090 and latest nvidia studio drivers : 472.47

i Mate, Could you please help me with the ui viewport display. I have looked in the docs and cant seem to find an answer. appreciate your time.

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like that?

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Thank you. After all these years you still provide the best support I have ever had with a purchase.

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One last thing if you don’t mind. In this latest update holding the shift key while trying to get a more precise bevel doesn’t let me have a tiny bevel, it just snaps with too far a distance between no bevel and the first. How do I get a smaller size bevel without going into the modifier itself and adjusting it there.