Hard Ops Thread

the hardops man himself helped me fix it :smiley:

Hi. I don’t know where to ask. I have a problem with Hops Helper menu. It is too large. I mean how I can decrease the width of this menu? Thanks

ctrl + K pops up the preferences
popup DPI factoring is the option needed.


hi masterxeon1001
i am again with ideas for boxcutter
here https://youtu.be/a4zmrQoz0lU?t=104 video with interesting script and funny is that - “we” already have almost all parts(for it realisation) in boxcutter (shape type) - they just need to recombine in - separate tool
and with that tool we will have “fast geometry builder” without “leave” boxcutter

So I have this issue where Boxcutter works fine on new files, but very weirdly on some older ones - when I draw the shape, it draws it double and the size is not what I drew.

Maybe it’s a leftover of old configs, maybe I set something weird way back when and forgot. In any case, how do I reset the Boxcutter settings to defaults on those files?

Hi masterxeon1001,

about the issue with boxcutter sending a cut to pause results in nothing visible anymore, not dots to see, etc…
since 3.5 is around the corner I want to ask about progress on this issue again!?
I found and got some Dev. info on that what fixed other addons with similar problems.

OpenGL to Metal:
The blender dev’s reccomended to ask https://projects.blender.org/mano-wii
and look at this case to get more info on this to fix addons.

More info !

There are two reasons why shaders needs to be ported:

  • Addon still uses bgl that call OpenGL calls directly.
  • Shader don’t use gpu.types.ShaderCreateInfo to support cross platform source generation.

These structures have already been in place for some time, and we communicated that addon developers should use this new API. It is sadly common for developers to only port to newer API’s when it makes sense for them.

In this case it looks like he hasn’t ported his shaders to use gpu.types.ShaderCreateInfo as described on https://docs.blender.org/api/current/gpu.html. If someone requires some help they can get in contact with the Eevee/viewport module at blender.chat or in the python channel. I am happy to help out there.

Thanks in advance

Screenshot 2023-02-06 at 3.54.38 am

thanks for the info!

Blender 3.5 stable: Hops

Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 4.02.18 pm
Screenshot 2023-03-30 at 4.49.01 pm


  • still No dot ui to see,
  • no dots, no locked shapes view etc.
  • when cut gets paused visibility is gone… nothing to see even after getting out of paused mode…

It’s like flying blind!

Blender 3.41 is fine

edit: dots and pause might still be having issues on mac. Stay tuned.

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#hardops 987_35 / boxCutter 719_16_3 is out now.


Hey guy’s, getting problem with box cutter, when i do cut than I want to use hotkey T to solidify it just cancel the cut and I’m getting this error.


But i just downloaded from blendermarket new versions box cutter and hardops, still box cutter give me same error, i did remove both reinstall blender reset it is not helping, blender 3.5 older one works fine.

I can confirm this error.
I do a box cut and while in extrude I hit the ‘T’ key and then get the error AND can’t see that it is canceled in the viewport!


Blender 3.5 stable / 3.6 alpha

it has been resolved in the latest update.

mac issues remain at large but the solidify issue is resolved in the latest zip.

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So canceling the cut when using ‘T’ key error is solved in BoxCutter 719_16_4.
But other errors occur.
Just for info !
Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 11.46.54 pm

it’s a rolling release so it will improve as time goes on. Thanks for the reminder.


Hey there, having a lot of errors in console at the moment, Blender 3.5. Is that Normal ? Also I haven’t been able to make cuts through any object so far, the cuts stop somewhere half way through, nothing I do change that behaviour, first time that ever happens.


once updated on both tools you will be good to go.

mmm… strange cause I’ve just updated HardOps AND Box Cutter with latest version, when I say just I mean Monday. Did you release a patch since ?