Has anyone made a good Ocean bump map?

The ocean modifier creates some really fantastic results. Although the limitations being that it creates a lot of geometry and it creates a tiling texture which doesn’t work well for most views of the ocean. Has anyone created anything that mimics the texture of the ocean modifier but works as a bump map? Or anything that looks really good?

As far as I know the ocean modifier just uses a voronoi texture. You could also add a noise texture for more detail…

The ocean modifier uses a lot more than just a voronoi texture.

I just checked and it seems I was wrong. It looks like it’s actually not a voronoi texture, but a clouds texture.

For reference, this is what it looks like:

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Yeah I used a similar depth map to try to copy it with Cycle’s procedural textures but couldn’t ever get it to look decent. I’m not sure if it’s possible with a bunch of mixed procedurals or not but I’ve never been able to get something that looks close.

It’s a shame. I just did a test with luxcore, which allows blender internal textures to be used. The Cloud texture with Voronoi F1 noise and a depth of 8 looks pretty decent right off the bat. Is there anyway to simulate this in cycles? Is there a reason why luxcore is able to tap into blender internal procedural noise functions so easily but Cycles doesn’t?

Musgrave, set to Ridged Multifractal, can do this. Mix in some noise and play with the settings until it looks right.

I did play around and get some decent results. Anybody want to toy around to get something better?


Is dicing enabled for this ocean??

Maybe also add disp modifier with basic noise to add abit of extra form to your plane?

Toyed around with it a little and it seems pretty good. This was rendered with Eevee. I couldn’t figure out how to do the displacement with it so this is just bump mapping.

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I couldn’t replicate your shader: would you mind sharing your blend?

This is one of the more recent ones. Unfortunately it’s a 2.8 file so I don’t think it’ll open up in 2.79. It sure is nice working on stuff like this in Eevee and having very fast feedback.

ocean procedural 3 28.blend (769.6 KB)

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I came up with a fairly simple but effective ocean bump a few years ago to be used along with the ocean modifier at low subdivision. The key was to animate various textures at different rates and scales.

Watch closely for a before and after transition a few seconds in:


Thanks a lot!
woah! looks like I have to try my ocean scene in eevee from now on!

Very nice material, thanks! I ported it to 2.79 for others, and added some color variations for sea / river scenario. Only a flat plane, no subdivision, no displacement:

BA_shader_WATER_ocean_river.blend.zip (153.1 KB)

Note - i disconnected the displacement node since it got broken when porting.


That’s great Akovango. I meant to do that but haven’t had the time.

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Looks awesome!

For us not as fluent in Blender, is there a trick to extend the ocean to the horizon? Because I have seemingly three issues to overcome:

Also, I’m using 2.8 and I see displacement in the material, but not the rendered viewport? Is that a thing I have to enable somewhere?