Hazy Rainforest

Created in Blender, post-processed in Photoshop

Clay Render:

Let me know what you guys think!
This was created in 6 hours total, spread across 2 days.


Wow this is awesome!

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Thanks mate! :slightly_smiling_face:

How was the foliage created?

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Hey, the foliage is from multiple asset packs (botaniq, vegetation, forestation, graswald, etc.) and is scattered using geo scatter.

Stunning piece of art! :framed_picture: :heart:

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Great mood! I like the second one, in the first image the position of the boat is a little bit distracting in my opinion. Wonderull artwork!

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After making my temple artwork, this would have been perfect for inspiration! Really well done on capturing that perfect feel of drifting through a rainforest :slight_smile:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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I see, thanks for the critique!

Thanks! Nice job on your temple scene.

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This is a beautiful scene. I love how you did the lighting.

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Nah. nuh-uh.

I HAVE to give this a shot, damn.

botaniq, graswald, forestation, geo scatter, you say?

they are pretty powerful together, if not inexpensive. and fairly simple to use. i added in alpha trees for mine for the backmost visible layer to ‘lighten’ the load on my pc, but depending on camera angles, you might have enough density to not need something that far away. :slight_smile:

(probably some black friday sales coming up to help with costs?)

Good to see a tropical environment: surprisingly few examples of it on all Blender forums I know of. As I keep saying, apparently the 3D artists are, in the main, a rather temperate bunch. :grin: :wink:

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I would imagine the intense density of tropical foliage (in terms of foliage per cubic meter, it’s much higher than a more temperate environment) combined with the high amount of diversity of foliage per cubic meter creates some pretty severe technical restrictions that many users don’t have the hardware to handle. It’d be interesting to look into this further and see how VRAM amount correlates to the maximum complexity of foliage possible in a scene :thinking:

Just for the reference, below are a couple of pics I took myself (not renders, not computer-enhanced at all).
So, what you say about the density of the tropical vegetation is sort of true, but only if one tries to make every leaf, every blade of grass, etc., in 3D. Use a photo for the background and only do the foreground in 3D, and it doesn’t look so bad to me: not that much different from a thick temperate forest (admittedly, it’s been a while since I visited one).

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wow! amazing work! so realistic! :heart_eyes:

black… friday… sales.

ahoy, matey.

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