Head in Cycles

This is one of the best human modelling I’ve seen. Incredible.

That’s so awesome! I wish to be able to do such good work one day. I am waiting on that tutorial :smiley:

OMFG, that’s just mind blowingly awesome. Were not worthy, were not worthy. :wink:

Congratulations, this is one of the most realistic human heads I’ve seen so far, it has nearly “Benjamin Button” quality. You are on a very good way here, keep it on!

Pretty realistic, even the ears grow with ascending age! :stuck_out_tongue:

OK. WOW. I’m sure I’m not the last to say it either. This is amazing work. Top Notch!

wao how it possible. really it wanders me extremely.

Dude, to my mind, you crossed the valley. Totally believable , the blinks, eye movement, skin, the whole enchilada. The only thing was some disjointed movement of the head mesh in the latter part of video clip. The eye roll upwards etc. That piece wasn’t realistic. There you slipped back into the valley. But that’s finesse stuff that you’ll wicker out.

Don’t know what else to say, other than jealous? wowed, you raised the blender bar for what’s possible within blender?! Yeah, maybe that’s it!!

Guys the limits are not the computer or the graphics card or blender itself. The limit is set by the artist. To become better like this guy just means learning every day until you have at least 10,000 hours of well focused learning. This guy is very good and I look forward to learning how he aged the model! The devil is in the details! Can’t wait to see the tutorial!

o.O That looks cool! Awesome and ofc i cant wait for the tutorial! :smiley:

20/10! :smiley: At first, when I saw it in the feature row, I thought it was just another guy who whipped up a face in 5 minutes, and got featured… I was clearly WRONG! I love the realistic animating the most I think! Incredible how realistic he seemed! :smiley:

Very realistic, amazing details

Speachless. Very awesome work and the animation is impressive!

Hey Cesar, this looks very, very cool. One of the best human heads I have seen in Blender so far.

Yesterday, there was a talk on the topic of realism on human characters at the FMX in Stuttgart by Christopher Nichols from the Chaos Group. He spoke about the Wikihuman Project and the Digital Human League (DHL). It is a project to exchange knowledge on creating realistic looking digital human characters. Christopher showed a new version of Emily and explained how they made her more realistic at the lowest level of complexity regarding the shaders. Also they used a 16K micro texture to give more detail between the pores of the skin.

Now the good news:
Next week or so :eyebrowlift: … they are going to release their assets for free including the model, the shader in OSL :wink: and all of the textures in EXR format.

I hope this helps you to create the most realistic human head ever in Blender.

The link is: www.wikihuman.org

Good luck!

Hi really goo job with massive shader, i like it.

HOLY SKIN ! That was amazing!!

NIce work … Very Nice work… 5 stars! many thumbs up!
Very very very well done…
Like others… waiting on some kind of tutorial…

in your Material Flow chart not sure what the “attribute” nodes are connecting too… vertex groups? maybe?

This is realistic to the point of surrealistic, yet again blender users have broken another boundary of realism

Thank you very much at all!!!:yes:, really thank you for your support and your criticisms, which are always useful. With Blender everything it is possible, and I will do my best to prove that nothing alike. I’m starting to make the first tutorial, of course I’ve had to split in parts. I’ll start with the eye:

Interesting project, I’ll be very aware of this publication, thank you very much my friend.

This is awesome … I can’ t wait to him release !!
