Heavy Tank - a 3D beginner blog

Hello everyone.
There shall be my progress blog. Grabbed a huge tutorial course of Blender, so here I am with my first model.
It will be some sort of Warhammer40k related tank, with lots of weapons, bits and kits on it.
My goal is to fully understand the app and learn how to do huge complex models.
Any C&C is highly welcomed. As well as suggestions and thoughts about how a wahamma tank should look. :upside_down_face:
Thanks for your attention!

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A mounted heavy stubber in process.


Keep going ! Is it base on a Churchill tank ?

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Thanks! Sure I will. :wink:
Blender is an awesome app. So involved and excited about my new experience!

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Yes, the Churchill based. Want to make a big long and unwieldy vehicle.

I like the machine gun and mounts. I might just steal your design for my own tank, if you don’t mind.

I build a rigid-body tank as my very first project. I spent all my time pulling out my hair over the rigging, and never got around to doing a hi-poly tank model. With nice model images to go by, I might just be able to finish it.

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It is a lot of fun. Let me know if you need help with anything.

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Thank you, Anthony! Nice to hear that.
Please, use any idea you find in my posts usefull, no problem.

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Now I have a heavy stubber to shoot in the name of the Emprah! Pew-pew-pew!!!

So, I have learned how to operate the app more or less and model basic stuff.
But the most important one is that I got a huge unexpected load of fun with bittersweeetness of serarching how to do some very basic and logic things.
Oh boy, Blender is a mix of epic wins and fails, to my newbie mind.
Nevertheless I really want to continue the work.


Now it is time to find good proportions and model it fast and rough, so the scale stays right.
It will take time, because frankly speaking collections and parenting instead of old good layers and groups sucks.
It’s a hard time to manage at once several groups of object, scaling and positioning. Selecting them sometimes become so clunky and tedious.
I assigned a hotkey to select everything in a collection with doubleclick, but still, there are collections with multiple collections inside as well.
And parenting is a pain, because I constantly add objects, delete objects, duplicate and copying them to other collections. I don’t want to waste time by constant checking whether I parent everything properly.
Maybe, there is a way to just select a bunch of objects, tell the app it is a group now, and after the manipulations done ungroup it for sake?
Man, I can’t even assign a hotkey to choose everything in a collection in the Outliner. Hate to use that context menu with RMB all the time. So tedious.
Please, God, make groups in Blender some day…
Will be thankfull with any help with selecting and managing multiple object. :sleeping:

You may want to try plugin like MACHIN3tools, wich is free, and let you manage easily your collection (and tons of other thing). The way i work : i assign new object to collection by pressing “m” then manage the collection visibility with “Chift+C”.
I agree with you on the group part tho
Good luck

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This add-on is awesome, thank you so much for showing it to me. :slightly_smiling_face: :raised_back_of_hand:

For now, I am just trying to keep everything as simple and blocky as possible.

A small update, so that colonel Churchill could be finally recognized.

Very very nice! I can’t wait to start modeling that. Great references.

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You can add objects to more than one collection, so you can create a collection for a desired group of objects, then select desired objects, hit M, and add them to that collection. The only thing I’m not sure how to do is remove them all at once.

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Oh, interesting! Thank you for the tip, that’s a good one.
But now I get used to a way working with big primitives instead of groups.
I manage them as a proxy, then divide in 2-3 smaller, yet still large objects. So it’s not a mess anymore.

And spent a good hour to rename objects and collections. Well, that’s a lesson for me to do it beforehead in the future, haha… :upside_down_face:

You have no idea how many times I’ve had to start something over after having spent days working on it, only to discover I missed doing some crucial thing early on. You learn through pain, I guess. :grimacing:

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Question : how do you pin a different image than the first one of the post on the general gallery ?

Click that little pencil next to the title of the topic and choose the thumbnail for it below, my friend.

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Many thanks

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