Height Blend Node


Used external assets:

Combine Normal Maps by Radcapricorn

Sky Free by Wolf

The Grass Field by Spelle (modified)

Some free textures were used for an example(google drive):

Van Elverdinghe Sebastien https://gumroad.com/sebvhe

Danny https://cubebrush.co/phlox?product_id=hajlaa

Poliigon.com https://www.poliigon.com/texture/ground-forest-003


Without textures:

With textures:


If you don’t mind, please include some text that actually explains your images and links, please. Just linkbombing with a few images is not really useful.

Hi there!

I’ve tried to make this node group last week and i failed. (For EEVEE)
Just to be sure this is a HeightBlend node similar to UE4 one, that uses both vextex painting and height map to determine the blend of the textures?

Nice job so far, i will try it as soon as i can

I tried some blind tests.

First i don’t really understand what A and B does.
The output of the height is always white. (having 2 full materials assign to the node group )
In the second image its 2 hard to really see the nodes, and i seams that you use several masks inside 1 image and separate rgb to access them. I’m pretty sure that instead of masks i can use vertex colors, but still couldn’t find a way to make it work.

Please explain a little more when you have the time.

Updated node
Added an example
Added a description

amazing stuff!
you didn’t include the textures, but I think it’s pretty clear how to use this…

For the others, of course you can use ->Attribute with Col value to use vertex colors for the blend…

here’s an example of how to use VCols with this:

In the blender swap description:

Some free textures were used for an example(google drive):

Van Elverdinghe Sebastien https://gumroad.com/sebvhe

Danny https://cubebrush.co/phlox?product_id=hajlaa

Poliigon.com https://www.poliigon.com/texture/ground-forest-003

Without textures: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mIz8Pndlh_tEbIxAgltH04hff7bb4zVO

With textures: http://drive.google.com/open?id=1Qop8viY4g2E1GF0JCEV5CFr25tWQdyBY

I’ve test it again and it did work as expected.
The problem i had was that the first thing i tryied was to take the node to eevee to see if i could blend 2 textures with heightmap and vertex colors like people do with unreal and unity.

I saw this next video 2 or 3 weeks ago, with a simple setup but i wasn’t able to reproduce the same effect with eevee (didnt tryed cycles)

Do you have any idea how to make it ?
Really appreciate your help and work so far :slight_smile:

  1. Node groups seem not working for EEVEE (I am not familiar with EEVEE)

  2. Vertex painting works for both(the approach needs improving)

  3. Using of displacement shifts height blending(the same for Cycles/Material Preview(Material Preview cannot correctly display a height blended material))

Download the test scene and full-res images:

Here’s my test.
(not the best textures in the world to combine)

I’ve given up trying to understand the node setup :smiley:
The node right now seems to use both height maps … although for my case i think i only need one as the ue4 height lerp, at least it would make it easier to control the mask.

Thanks again to Unwave and i hope to see further updades

  • Changes with default values to add usability(middle gray by absolute whiteness(50%), normals pointing directly towards the viewer(50%,50%,100%), metallic = 0%)
  • Normal maps mixing should be right for 8bit+ maps now

A better version of the height blend is included in this add-on.

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