I would like to ask for urgent help regarding a project a which I have taken it upon myself to learn and create a building and then place it within Decentraland, however, I found myself with quite a few initial problems on Blender.
I created a structure on Sketchup (I will post images) and now I would like to insert it on Blender because I would need to insert metarials and the collisions (and maybe some lights). Only between Skp and Blender I can’t do a “clean” import. Through images you can see what the problem is. I did the import with the .dae extension but the problem persisted, I tried to install also an extension for importing from Skp ( with Sketchup Importer 0.23.0 ) however it doesn’t work, it doesn’t activate the enstension from the menu (mystery). How can I solve it? What kind of problem is it?
I am just getting into the basics of Blender, so any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!
questions about the importer-addon (they aren’t called extensions in blender vocabulary… except you mean any explicit extension from sketchup ? ) may be better ask in this thread:
because most of the people gathering there also use sketchup
And don’t worry about the one image limitation… this will last not very long… (it’s just for anti-spam reasons)…
I think sketchup exports to both collada and obj. Did you try both? I have no idea what’s going on in your image with the L shaped things. Also, an alternative solution would be to start in Blender. Sketchup is fairly limited for modelling, and the topology it creates is less than optimal.
Yes i have tried, the problem is the same. Since the interior of the dome is created like the Roman Pantheon (so it has interior squares) Blender “extracts” them from the dome and puts them… like this.
Do you think I should recreate the entire structure on Blender?
I was able to import the model to blender perfectly this morning, and now I am studying from your tutorials! Kindest!!!
Ps: since I find myself, unfortunately, on a tight schedule (very tight) , I would really love it if I could get direct help… I usually prefer to learn and do it myself but this time due to timing and force majeure I am forced to ask for help… is it ok here or can they ask on the volunteer topic?
Ask away. I was going to mention you can accomplish the steps by doing a bevel and adjusting the settings in the pop-up window that appears when you bevel. There are some different options you can play around with. Also you may wish to look into booleans for the doorway, and the inset tool is always very helpful. Also the various fill tools and commands will come in very handy with the geometry you are attempting.
Those dotted lines mean that there is a parent, maybe try removing that in blender: select the weird pieces, right click and go to the parent option, choose clear parents.