Hello! My name’s Spelle, I’m really excited to share my work with Blender community. Recently, this picture has won first prize in contest called “Her Majesty’s Air Fleet” (Render.ru). It was my first serious project, done with Blender. Now I want to express my deep gratitude to this forum and to all of contributors of Blender.
update. picture got “Render of the week” award on Blendernews.org
All in all, it took 4 days to render and re-render all the passes. People initially was rendered, but after that heavily processed and faked in post-production ).
I have a question about thumbnails. Maybe someone knows how to make thumbnail pictures less compressed? For some reason, they doesn’t look good at all. I will be grateful, if this can be changed.
Though, full version of the picture looks allright and not compressed.
ouch, what an introduction ! Your work is just amazing. Modelling, lighting, texturing and overall mood are just nice. Congrats and five stars from me !