(Higgsas) Geometry Nodes Groups Blender 3.3/3.4/3.5/3.6/4.0/4.1

Just checking out all the uv stuff. Really cool.

Still waiting for a good working solution for spline meshing with proper UV in geo nodes, but maybe that comes directly in Blender.

Anyhow, was wondering if something like texture bombing would be working, if you took particles on the surface as center of a texture.

I am not familiar with texture bombing so not sure if this exactly what you looking for, but here is test node group

texture bombing.blend (1.3 MB)


hey that cool. basically, in different to just tile textures, it randomly offset, scale and rotate each tile, together with blending range/noise. I just so your triplanar node and did wonder, if that could be enhanced to that level. I will check that out.

You can make it with random offset, scale and rotation but I don’t know how to make smooth blending, it’s probably better do this in shader editor maybe with voronoi texture.

Curve to Mesh UV

curve_uv.blend (149.9 KB)


Thank you for all this treasure chest above!
Any chance for even thickness for multiple curves for text use? I saw single curve version, but vector math is way over my lvl to enhance it to multiple curves:


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Has UVs and even thickness for multi-curve setups…

Good luck.


I’ve done this before with a transfer nearest face interpolated and using the source position and resetting the subsided mesh babk to its original power, but ill check this method out when i have time.
i have also tried doing uv tessellation with this new node and got good results, but didn’t polish it up yet. [ by uv tessellation i mean mapping it based on the uv map]

I took the Liberty to organize the file. it’s in 3.4

marching_triangles_surface.blend (179.3 KB)


can you explain to me the trigonometry/math to me or link me to somewhere i can look it up

Nice organization of nodes. It is complicated but the way you arranged make it simple to understand.

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You can check zeroskilz explanation how math works

haha i actually mentioned this on a discard server how it was very funny that you did a pointless step. one guy said maybe I should troll people by putting random extra nodes like in my node tree and see if anyone realizes

i was actually asking about the solidify not the inset.
but now that you shared this I’ll take a look at this as well

This one is super handy!

I was able to use it like this:

  • Run your geometry nodes as is
  • Apply the geo nodes modifier
  • Convert the attribute to a regular uv
  • UV > Seams from Island
  • Re-run UV Unwrap
  • ???
  • Perfect little island UV’s :smiley:

MUCH better than what Smart UV Project created.


if you add a bit of smoothing it will help a lot so you’ll need less samples
and it’ll look nicer


wrap.blend (1.7 MB)


Not sure why your comment got flagged, but its looks like “Straight skeleton” algorithm. It’s seems pretty complicated, you need to calculate edges intersections and create new edges and so on.

You can try using edge offset node and merge by distance but the results are not gonna be good

Also there is free addon for that already does this


sorry for asking again but you didn’t answer my question.
i was asking aboi the solidify with even thickness.
Edit: while looking through the even curve thickness math i found a method this less nodes for the even solidify.

@higgsas i am releasing a Geometry nodes asset pack. would you mind if i include this marching triangles on surface? (it’s more like tessellation). i was in the process of making one but now that i looked at yours and organized it I’d like to include it.

Edit: Also the tessellate helper