Hillside Village

Hillside Village was made using the Gaea Pack from Kitbash3D. This has to be my biggest project I’ve ever done. My system was barely handling the scene by the end. This of course was inspired a lot by Sweeper3D.

Everything was rendered out as one layer but I also had some passes rendered out for instance the AO, Mist, Z depth and Volume Direct.

This is before and after post processing in Photoshop.

For this piece, I’ve added 5 chickens for you to find as Easter Eggs. Good luck and have fun hunting <3
I’ve attached the revealed image for those chickens in the replies.


My socials: https://lynkfire.com/louixlin

Reveal them chickens to me


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Ah, well. I only found three (the ones that could be considered the “obvious” three i.e. the ones that have clear chicken-like silhouettes and are contrasted against a bright or light background.)

In my defense, though: The other two are so small, they just look like a collection of vaguely suggestive pixels. :joy: