Hinterhouse CGI - Blender + Octane

Hi guys!

I would like to share with you my latest personal project.

The goal of this project was to increase my rendering skills in natural environments and try new technics, during the creative process. ​​​​​​​The project was created in Blender and rendered with Octane engine.

I made these renders as a first project after with my team we changed into ZORE - https://www.zorestudio.com/

Images depict a real building designed by Ménard Dworkind architecture - I was inspired by photos made by DAVID DWORKIND
The whole project you can find on Behance

So I tried various lighting setups - if you have a favorite one let me know because for me it’s so fun, I could keep playing with it forever :wink:


It is very beautiful project. Vegetation is amazing, light is really pleasing.
“camera_05_V3” is my favorite :+1:
I’m curious how long it took you.
All the best to ZORE Studio :four_leaf_clover:

I really like it, it looks super realistic.
Top work :slight_smile:

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I want to express my gratitude for your comment.
As it was not client work and I am also working I did work on it in my free time.

I enjoyed it, I did start back in 2022 :slight_smile: so it took me quite a long time
I made also several animations

I am not sure if the video will work but I made also a few animation tests. (this one is compressed a lot)


I have already tried it with Blender and Octane.
But I can’t manage to convert the materials and textures into Octane materials.

I actually made a video about it.
It is a little bit older, but I am sure you find there are a lot of good tips.

I hope it helps

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You never cease to amaze. Bravo!
Great set of images.

Wonderful work Jan
Especially love your scattering, you mixed nature assets perfectly in this shot

I have already looked at it several times, but unfortunately it did not solve my problem.

I also find that there are almost no tutorials …

but thanks man :slight_smile:

Thank you, Dorian I appreciate that,
I am looking forward to making some shots with The Plant Library

And as usual, I have to post clay renders :slight_smile:


Do you have some specific materials you would like to convert? Something complicated? Because for most basic materials octane have I can help you and also there is ArchiVizual maybe you find there something useful if yes, let me know

If I understand correctly, you work with Blender and Octane Render.

How did you convert the textures and materials from the Plant Library to Octane? Is there a simple way?

Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile:

Yes the textures are grouped together.
I always have to import and link each texture by hand … That must be easier.
I also use the Blenderkit addon and that becomes unusable with Octane.
But I am also new to Octane, maybe I don’t know it well enough yet. :sweat_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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:white_heart: :white_heart: :white_heart: clay renders :white_heart: :white_heart: :white_heart:

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Thank you, Bart :sparkling_heart: I appreciate it! You are doing amazing work on this platform!


Hey great job
I would like to know you system spec
Like ram and gpu, cpu

If you are interested in assets for Cycles compatible with engon add-on - with features of botaniq - here is a link for upgraded Shaker Trees used in this project

shaker trees header-Recovered copy 02

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That’s amazing work! could i have the name of plant library ! thank you

Hi Andy - it is Shaker Trees now there is an starter option for 2 USD to try assets. Hope it helps - Have a nice day

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