HMS Pegasus - full ship building in progress

howdy! main and fore lower yards are in place…


Best piece of ship modelling I have ever seen!

Cheers, Clock. :beers:

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cross-jack in place, plus a bunch of random pics… cheers!


I nominate you to become the head of United Nations for epic level dedication and concentration and skill set.


haha, thx buddy. I appreciate it…

Stunning, I am building an actual model of HMS Fly, the sister of Pegasus, and the detail you have provided is answering a lot of my questions. I do have a couple of questions tho:

  1. All other depictions of Swan class ships show the Mizen mast rigged with a boom for a gaff type sail, will you add that later of do you have data that shows Pegasus minus the Mizen boom.

  2. How accurate if the red colour that you have used, guidance that I have found suggests it was more like a red ocre, so quite a dull colour as opposed to the very vivid red that you have used.

As I said really stunning work, can’t wait to see the compleTion of the running rigging complete with belaying arrangement…

thx, mate.

  1. I’m still far from the finish line… :wink:
  2. the color should be red ochre. I found color code online. the vivid look might be due to lighting in the scene, slight post process on the images and my switching between cycles and UE4 all of which might throw off the colors a bit.

That’s a great help, many thanks for taking the time to get back to me.


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As a retired Master Boatbuilder very familiar with real life replicas of this sort of vessel I must applaud you for this quite incredibly outstanding creation.
The detail and especially the technical authenticity of the rigging is wonderful to behold and your work is a tremendous inspiration to a newbie such as myself.

Thank you so much for sharing your truly remarkable work and the detail leaves me in little doubt that you have excellent reference material and no doubt much practical experience as well so I hope you will not be offended if I say that in my book collection I have an original Nare’s Seamanship with hundreds of superbly detailed drawings and explanations of every possible rigging detail for ships of this period and if there is anything I can help you with I would be happy to copy and send you any information or drawings.


thank you, @Surveyor. I appreciate the offer. although I think I’m covered, if hit a snag I know to whom to turn for an answer… :wink:

on a side note, I’ve neglected Pegasus for a while. hoping to pick up the speed soon…


hello people. the break lasted longer than I had thought it would but the work on the Pegasus continues. gaff is done (for now) and mizzen topmast yard is being worked on… cheers!


Mizzen Topmast Yard and Ensign are finished… :wink:


Hello @heraSK, your work is amazing - I spent a lot of time just looking and examining all the details.
I am relatively new to Blender (and 3d art in general) and now making a small sailing boat myself. Nothing huge or historically accurate, but I want to make it look real.
Could you please tell me how are you making the ropes? I am not asking for a full tutorial, just for general workflow idea. Are you using curves? How are you making those loose horizontal segments- any physics or everything is positioned manually? I would be very grateful for any information.

hey gumenas. nothing fancy about ropes, just manually placed curves. not much to talk about. I stretch the curve from A to B, give it a bit “weight” where needed, convert to mesh, unwrap, assign rope material and that’s it. knots, ties and such are all faked to look like rope is wrapped around something or knotted together. otherwise I would’ve gone nuts long ago… :wink:

Thank you for the answer. I was afraid that there is no secret technique to make ropes, other than manually place curves : )

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Amazing piece of work there!

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hey people. both topmast yards are finished. two topgallant ones to go and I’m off to making sails…


keep going!
This is a real masterpiece and a tribute to the great age of sails.
Your dedication is inspiring, I’m really impressed!

thank you, Marco. really appreciate it!

I believe I’m done with the masts and yards. finally!! there’s gotta be several miles of ropes on the ship…phew! now I’m going to put anchors at the bow, maybe make longboats next (still deciding about it) and then off to making sails. can’t wait to find out what problems await me there… :smiley:



Fantastic and detailed work, a true passion expressing itself!