Hoggy's drinks TVC-s

Thanks everyone for kind words.
To be honest, I’m quite surprised of positive attention this project has got.
Because I worked on it alone and having relatively limited time to finish the project, I optimized as much as possible - like using some stock models, blender assets etc, so I can’t take full credit for everything.
Hedgehog’s rig was based on cat’s meta-rig of rigify and animations were quite basic, mixed and looped together with NLA editor. So not too big effort behind that either. :sunglasses:
I used brenda and aws ec2 cheap spot instances for rendering, so I didn’t meticulously planned everything nor didn’t output many layers/passes, so when it was needed I just brutally re-rendered whole thing, sometimes several times.
Because output from blender (or any other 3d program) can often look quite raw, final look is heavily post-processed - added diffusion, chromatic aberration, lens flares, used overlay effect footage, color graded - so usual cheats to make things look more appealing. It could be more or less achieved with blender’s compositor but After Effects was used just for convenience.
So all in all - nothing too ambitious, just another job but I’m very glad it has attracted great deal of attention here, thanks again everyone.
This is also appropriate moment to thank blender developers, this is nothing less than a miracle they are doing . :star_struck:
About behind-the-scenes requests I’ll probably put something together as soon I get some spare time.
Here are the initial animatics, if someone’s interested (created using Clip Studio Paint):