Just messing around with Some compositing, thought is was cool. Also this was a challenge on some lighting aspects. I wish this was real though…
It’s a nice piece, but maybe make it a little more obvious what the holographic projector is, a label or little holo projecting beams would do nicely.
what are u talkin about…your makin fun of my best friends freakin project. whats your problem
He’s not making fun of it, he’s giving criticism. That is the whole point of this forum; you are free to leave if you don’t like it.
WMC: I never said it needed a lot of work, it’s good the way it is now but could use a little more labeling and effect on the holo-projector.
Grow up.
blend, the hologram seems plastic. try changing the specularity of it. looks cool though.
Quick tip, by ‘hologram’ I think he might mean the projector.
Hey looks good! and I like the concept.
I only have one crit.
In the desk composite, Your cylendrical base doesn’t seem to match perspective with the other coaseters on the desk. I think it needs to be tilted back from the camera a bit.
I like it though!
That reminds me kind of those star wars holo-projectors… and yes, these projectors would be nice indeed… Actually the technology is already in at least working state… Go to http://3dscreen.ramboll.dk/ and watch the showroom video link in the right bottom corner.
nice stuff…
p.s. i like the comcast remote…
good job
crit: in the standalone image it is glowing, but in the composite you can see it casting a shadow on the monitor. I don’t think the holograph ought to cast a shadow, or darken a scene in any way… but maybe i have a limited understanding of the technology!
I iniitially thought “good point” but then, I wonder. If a holo is something you can see, it also means that you cannot see what is behind it. Which means that light from over your shoulder cannot get through it, which means that it would cast a shadow.
The Holo projector i saw, which used smoke particles inside a glass dome, would have cast a shadow since the smoke particles were what was making the light/being lit. although the shadows would have been a fog shadow.
This improved technology either does somethign like that and would cast a shadow, or, if it is only light-emitting, then should cast a reflection onto the monitors. I guess either way it should do something.
I like the concept, I could have lots of fun with a device like that. Imagine what games would be like O.O
The lighting comes pretty close to realistic but the specularity on the device and slight offset in the light positions make it look more like CG.
Nice work overall, 4 stars = )
Thank you everyone, I am suprised, yet very happy about the response, I wasent sure if this was as great as it could be.
I am working on tweaking a few things mentioned, i know this isn’t the WIP or FC forum and updates are not needed, but I feel that a work can always use some helpful advice that when applied will improve the image. So my works are usually revised several times even after I think they are done, because as humans we overlook things and have to be told some things before we see them, and for me it drives me crazy not to change some things to this image after having them pointed out, lol.
I would like one bit of advice for a flaw I personally saw in the design. What should I put as the bottom (under the rendering hologram) on the inside? right now it is flat and shows no mechanism. Maybe some sort of detailed apparatus or should it be something more simple? I cant stand to leave that part as- in though. The image I posted should show you the area I am refering to.
Thank you all for your help. Due to the busy weekend ahead of me I may not get much time to do the adjustments for a few days. But I will be checking for replies and responding to any more advice.
hey…sign on instant messenger…k
when u wake up LOL get online
Please restrict your personal messages to my personal message box WMC. I dont want this post locked and I definitly want relevant material posted on my threads. Thanks.
Can mods or someone erase the dumb messages posted by WMC?
re WMC-second time in as many days, the spam bots are getting smarter, might be time to bring back the “stupid pain in the @$$ yet-necessary random letter thing” before…oh crap…posting a reply.
Anyway, A holo thingy would probably involve smoke and mirrors, literally, so, no, I wouldn’t bother with inventing a projector gizmo for the bottom. A few less distracting things on the desktop and I would send this into PopSci.
Did the whole hologram thing over a year ago. Enjoy!