Hi everyone, I would like to create a surface structure like in the image below, basically the whole model should consist of horizontal lines.
I started creating a solution in the file below, but I get several shading/geometry issues since the solution uses the Normals. Maybe Geometry Nodes are not the best way for this task… Thanks for your help!
Maybe using a simple curve, extruding and rotating it might be a simpler approch to start this ?? ( In fact i learnt: i still do not know how to “bridge” two curves or mesh borders yet in GN…)
To be honest, if it’s just one model… I would just model it by hand. You can make one layer out of mesh edge loop, split it somewhere( V ) and use proportional editing in linear falloff mode and Conected Only enabled to lift one end up, then duplicate the layer as many times as needed snapping one’s bottom to the previous one’s top and after merging vertices by distance you only need to convert it to curve and give it some profile:
Of course if someone already visualize the end result or does have some prototype sketch this might be easier to get to a ready to go model. But if someone needs to play with form silhouette etc. then the repeating re-workd becomse quickly cumbersome.
This is fairly similar to the other responses, but it is a fast and procedural method.
Model one curve circle into the shape you want, extrude geometry using the Geometry panel on the Data tab to give it thickness, then add a few modifiers (Solidify for height, Bevel for corner profile, Subdivision to smooth, Array to stack and rotate), an empty to control array rotation and you’re done.
Maybe this technique could be done in Geometry Nodes though. Might be possible to just have a mesh edge loop as input and the rest could be procedural. Not sure how though. Blender 4.3 now has For Each Element loop - that might be useful to incrementally transform elements easily to replicate proportional editing in this.
This setup is close to what you are describing, a single mesh circle - it would be possible to do it all entirely procedurally within Geo Nodes, but I just modeled the circle manually in this case.
Thank you for your responses to my question!
If I use a displacement modifyer I have to bake the texture for each of the many variations of the model, each time, which would be a lot of work.
Here is a rendering of a result similar to what I want to achieve, the glass object image I posted above shows comparatively few horizontal slices, so I understand that this one could be done by hand- but I want to be able to modify the number of slices.
Sorry, you are right, that is what i wanted!
However, where do I add my own object? I don’t see a Geometry Input or something like that. FlowerPot_Mesh2.blend (1.1 MB)
I get “geometry cannot be retrieved from the modified object” as a error message in the modifyer stack- when I select my vase object in the outliner. I plugged it in like you suggested, here is the file: FlowerPot_Mesh3.blend (1.1 MB)
Now, also, yr shape was not the profile it was a whole mesh, so if you want different curve shapes to make the whole thing we will have to look at another method.
Ah ok, I should have clarified.
Yes, I will need a solution for a mesh. Would it be possible to adjust your node tree accordingly?
But So far, thank you for your help already!