hover racing game, need new ideas

Hello fellow blenders

For the past couple days I have been working on a game, there is no story line as of yet
You are in a tunnel in a small single man ship, armed with guns, and a compass.
Arrow keys move, space shoots.

Although I can make good games on blender, I am hopeless at thinking of storylines and am wondering if anyone has any ideas about where to go next.

If you are more creative than me, or have a good idea, please tell me…

Update: New picture of current game

I know that there are some glitches, like after doing loops the car won’t drive straight.
I have also had to remove most of the tunnels to make the file fit into the 1mb limit.


Tunnel Runner V1.0 downsized.blend (950 KB)

You and 5 friends are at war with some people to get a prize (like ultimate power or something) and your enemies take your friends captive and you run away and grab one of their ships but you somehow get into the tunnel and you have to find your way out, shoot enemies and collect back your friends and finally get the ‘prize’. Also you have to race against enemies to get them destroyed before they call for backup for example shoot them, make them crash etc. Also possibly you could pull off stunts, hijack ships sorta for upgrade and stuff like that

Thanks popjam18
How about this for starters:

For a long time, the ‘Global Control’ and the Individualists have been at war for global control. Recently the war has gone to the next step, with both sides developing or stealing new weaponry. Your squad, Knightmare, have been deployed deep into the individualists territory to steal the rumored new weapon, and immobilizing field big enough to freeze a nation. Insertion was fine, and gaining access to the start of the sewer system leading under the individualists base was no problem, but when emerging from the sewers into the complex you met with heavy resistance and the other 4 members of your squad were captured. You fled. After a week of repairs to your ship by stealing from the individualists stockpiles you plan to both get the immobilization field and free your squad, if they are still alive…

Please though, think of better names than me

Great idea! well possibly knightmare, hoverer, acocalapse, 2012(hehe), or lightman, rayman, gunman i don’t know something

Good ideas

I think I’ll leave the name of the group as nightmare, but call the weapon will be called apocalapse

Have just added a menu and made a training level.

Good start. Maybe it should turn slower though.

Doing turning is a problem on all computer games. Sometimes you need to turn faster than other times.
I have it set up on a newer version so that it takes the corners perfectly at just under top speed (120 on the speedometer)
I would put the newer version here, but it’s well over 1 meg

Now has doors and accelerator strips. Now also not constrained to 2d Maps

Finished training level, composed music for the menu’s and levels.
Trying to fix problems with doors not responding.
Still the turning problem after flipping over.

you need to make the compass more sci-fi or replace it with a radar thingy

How about this:

For decades, highways have connected large cities and you couldn’t get off them into open wastelands. You were destined to live inside cities and move from one city to another without ever getting in touch with nature. But one day, you and your buddies run into an old guy in a super-junk ride and you see it’s covered with mud. Where did the mud come from? Cities are squeaky clean these days, and there hasn’t been rain in ages under the city dome (did I mention cities are enclosed in a huge-ass dome?

You stop at an intersection and the guy stops next to you. You catch a glimpse of the old man. Long hair, totally hippie looking (not that you’d have any clue as to what a hippie is or anything), very weird. You hear sirens, and the old man blasts though red lights, narrowly avoiding a dog and a lady with a cart (yeah, too corny), and drives away. You see 3 cops vehicles blast by you, as one of you buddies revs up to join the chase. You look at your 3 other buddies, and they nod.

You blast on to rescue the old guy…

Level 1: rescue the old man.

This is a simple obstacle course, and you have to learn how to handle your vehicle around sharp corners, jump over stuff, etc. Kinda like a tutorial course. Cops eventually hit some obstacles, and you shake them off… if you’re good enough.

Once level 1 is complete, you end up at a bar and the old man tells you he is part of a group that has found a crack in one of the tunnels, and a way out into the wasteland. If you’re interested, you can join them.

Level 2: into wasteland

You tail the man as he leads the way towards the exit point. Suddenly, you notice one of your buddies is missing. Where did he go? Turns out he’s a traitor, and he called the cops and bailed. Chase is on. A whole squad is on your tails. You navigate a complex maze of tunnels to shake off the cops. Old man calls you up into the intercomm and tells you about a device that jams the chip cops use to track you. You have to drive through a complicated loop to catch the device that old man throws out of his vehicle. You’ve only got one chance to get it. :slight_smile: Once you’ve got the device, you have to drive like mad to shake the cops off (so they can’t make visual contact) before you reach the exit. If cops figure out where the exit is, they’ll seal it and it’s game over. You reach the exit, and the old man and 3 of your buddies jump out of a small hole in a wall… into the wide wasteland. Scene is beautiful.

The old guy leads into a nearby forest where he and 12 other men and women have set up a camp.

… And so on.

It’s a bit extravagant, I guess, but I was inspired. :smiley:

WOW Oh man, why can I never think of things like that? That story is Awesome.
Which one?
At the end of this one there is also room for a sequel.

Yeah, popjam, That compass is high on my to-do list. But I can’t think of how to do a radar screen or how to make a more sci-fi compass, any ideas?
As well as working on the blender side of the game I have also been writing music (my other hobby), so now there is a soundtrack!

Where should I upload my blend file? it’s now 5 megs or so.

Fixed bullet problems, added sounds.
Was working on a level that fits with the first story line, but which one should I continue on?

Screen-shots of the training level. No, the Mouse isn’t visible, it’s just when I screen-shot it.
Yes, A timer on the training level.
It is longer than that, I just took a shortcut…
The lift is a bunch of planes that move upwards, they are semi-transparent but lift your vehicle. Because you can only see the planes from one side the lift looks quite cool, as you can only see it below you.


Fixed compass, now sci-fi style.

Changed the acceleration to slightly faster, not sure if it was a good idea as it makes it harder to drive around tight curves.


I’ve decided to go with brankovukelic’s story line. Have just made a looooooong tunnel and more gentle corners for the highways. Started making traffic AI using track to nodes.
Anyone want to make lo-poly traffic cars?

I’ve got some ideas for average sci-fi cars but i’m not good at modelling. But try something blockyish like a bus van thing

Alright, I’ve been working an now have several new hover-cars for traffic. Some are made by me (the far away two, you should recognize the one) and the other two are made by a friend of mine.


Oh, forgot to mention, the front one is the police-bot. For use in the second story, instead of police cars.