I have some experience in Blender, but I never done rigs. Is something like this possible in Blender? If so how would you go about it? Is there a single tutorial you can point me towards that explains something like this? Thanks so much! Lookig forward for your suggestions
You’re not going to be able to do it in Blender without use of simulation nodes or physics or scripting, all of which are going to require that the timeline be running while you pose it to get the output in that link. Which probably isn’t what you want, so, no, this isn’t possible in Blender.
I have splines with soft body, parented to a central control bone. Deforming bones use spline IK to follow the curves. The curves have weight values entered on their controls to create stiffness and follow the main control.
Enter pose mode, start playing on the timeline, and move the control bone. See what the mesh does.
You should probably also still try wiggle bones as mentioned. I haven’t used it myself.
Thanks! There’s something weird going on in the file though right click is moving the 3D cursor and there are some other weirdness, maybe you have some custom controls set up for Blender. Anyway this looks close to what I want to do but not quite. I think I will have to learn rigging to get the exact effect I want