How can I get this addon?!

I am at my wits end

I am trying to find some way to convert the materials of Blender 2.79’s internal render engine to cycles or just node based so that I can properly port the model to Blender 3.0+ this is for FNaF world models

but The script I copy and pasted from a YouTube video just broke the materials, and the only link to the addon that I feel is my best bet had seen a 404 error and I cant get that addon

If anyone knows how I can convert Blender Internal Render Materials to Cycles or just convert them to node based materials, OR if you have the zip of the addon I linked please let me know

The script will probably work in an older version of blender.

I think this one

The script is here

Should work in 2.79.

So if you download 2.79 and install the addon it should work, save the blend then open it in a new version.

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I tried this specific script but It didnt work

in which blender version, 2.79?

Yes I am using Version 2.79

Ok I tried it but it is not great, it did install and made this node setup

It did not plug in the UV mapping though (defaults to generated).

Edit: I take that back it is using the UV’s. (in 2.73 where I made the file the default cube did not have any!)

I have not got a good Internal file to check it any better.

Addon built into blender 2.79.


Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D interaction/Materials Utils - wiki

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