How can I see the distance between an empty and the origin of the object that has the geometry node?

How can I see the distance between and empty and the origin of the object that has the geometry node network displayed in the spreadsheet? There doesn’t seem to be a node that just gives me the origin point of the (self) object that has the node network on it.

I can control the scale of an object based on the distance between an Empty and the world origin but I can’t figure out how to control the scale of an object based on the distance between an Empty and an object that uses the Geometry Node network.

lol, I have no idea what I’m doing.

An Object Info node pointing to itself gives you the location (position of the origin point) of the object.
From there you can scale an object relative to another object´s location.

I don´t know if this is what you want.

Thanks. That was almost what I wanted. Your way causes the mesh to move away from the origin point though.

This is what I wanted:

As the cylinder and icosphere get closer together, the icosphere shrinks down to original size, but no smaller than that. As they get further apart the icosphere grows to a maximum of 10 times its original size.