(How) Can you (today) attach a texture to both sides of a plane?

What’s the latest answer on this question? I’m working with an animated cloth object and it would be very convenient if I can simply attach a texture to both sides of a single plane. (I know that the question has been answered “a long time ago,” but an awful lot of things in the Blender world have changed since then …)

I don’t think the answer had changed. You can mix two textures or two whole shaders with the geometry node’s “backfacing” output as mixing factor


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I answered to you yesterday!

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Well, you didn’t answer me yesterday, because this is the very first time I asked the question! :slight_smile: (And, if it was asked yesterday, I guess I missed it.)


Okay, community, thanks for the very quick answer! I haven’t fiddled with nodes as much as I should have, and I would have missed the “geometry-node bit of magick” for sure. Online forums like this one are the greatest time-saver ever invented!

Actually he did… but instead of @ ing you in the other person’s thread he accidentally just linked your profile. So understandable you missed it. :joy:

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Just to avoid any confusion,

You did ask this yesterday and @DNorman did reply

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I’ve never been here.


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Almost like the Simpsons predicted fakenews?

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:joy: Yeah they were quite good in predicting things.

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I actually only asked the question once. But, here’s the good news: I very promptly got an excellent answer from this community, and I was able to go right on to use it in my project. “One more headache gone.” So, life is good.

Because Blender changes so(!) much, it seemed reasonable to me to “simply ask about ‘today.’” As I did. Thank you all for your very-prompt help.