How do I convert an image to a GP object?

Is there a way to convert an image plane (or file) to a simple grease pencil rectangle with the same size/aspect and a fill only material with the image as a texture?

I don’t mean the trace operator or the “image to GP” with vertex colours.
Right now I do it manually but it’s finnicky and the values (scale/shiftXY) make no sense to me.

You mean… something like this ??

Well he wants to rotoscope. I can do that with add images as planes no problem. I rather wanted to generate from an image plane a rectangular gp stroke that has a fill material with that image as a texture that exactly maps the surface.

I just wasn’t sure about the scale and xy shift settings in the material tab. But I think I figured it out.
So if I have an image with width/height x : 1 y dimensions
the texture scale would be half of that (w/(h * 2) and 0.5) and the shift would be -1+(w/(h * 4)-0.5)) x and 0.25-1 y. That seems to work fine.