How do I make this? (Beginner needs help)

Hello there,

I started a new small training project mainly for learning something about materials and modelling. It´s decoration, that we have here in our living room. A candle, a small planter and a bottle on top of a mirror tray.
Here is a quick Eevee render:

My main problem is the bottle. I can´t get a clean transition from the hexagonal lower part to the circular upper section. How do I have to model this to get a smooth upper part and an angular lower part?
I have the hexagonal bottom shape, the loops above are 12-gons and 36-gons:

This is definitely not the right way to do this.

Can anyone help me?

Thank you! :+1:

I would say you add a circle that have the same # of certs as the most top part of the vase that have a different topology, center it right apove in place and loop cut the edge of vase with the circle.
Any edits from there, use edge selection and edit translation.

You can use the loop tools addon, it should come default with Blender. Might have to activate it though.

Ornament.blend (605.0 KB)

It probably would look a bit a better by smoothing out the transition between the hard edges and the smooth circle but it is also time consuming.

Wow, thanks to both of you! :smiley:

You even uploaded a file, awesome. I´ll watch it tomorrow and I´m pretty sure that this solves my problem. Perfect! :+1:

Hey GrimZA,

I played around with Loop Tools, but I didn´t get it much better. Tried working with creases and bevel modifier, which improved it a little, but not perfectly. Still don´t know how to get a satisfactory result. Since the original bottle surface is not perfectly regular I added a noise bump node to the material and that hides the worst irregularities now. I put the results into Finished Projects, if you want to see.

Again thank you for your help!

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It looks good.

3d modeling is all about faking it to get the result you want.

You should keep practicing, hitting roadblocks and taking a crack at solving them is good practice so you know how to approach them in future projects.

Did you try a subdivision surface modifier on it to smooth out the transition?

Hello Anthony_Forwood,

thanks for your reply! I already applied a subsurf modifier and used crease edges to keep the lower ones sharper. You can see the result in the Finished Projects section (link three posts above). Unfortunatelly the transition didn´t get as smooth as I wished it would. I´ll definitelly keep trying to model this bottle…must be possible somehow.

If I succeed, I´ll let you know!