How do i scale textures?

Hello all.
Finally got some time to get back to blender & working on this thing.

Yeah i know, yikes.
But can i get some advice on how to scale the brick texture & the world background texture.
i thought id be able to do it w/the Mapping node. but no such luck.

thank you

You could try unwrapping the plane and scaling your UV map up.

That is exactly how ot scale the uvs… by using the vector mapping node… <1 will make the texture larger, >1 will make the texture smaller (so if it is a scale of 2,2,2, then there will be exactly 2 copies of the texture on the 1 uv map)

If I’m not wrong, you can scale the brick texture with the mapping node even if the plane isn’t UV mapped. Just use a setup like the one on your screen capture (generated and play with XY scale in the mapping node).

But as far as I know you can´t use the same technique (please correct me if I’m wrong) in the world output using an enviromental texture because that texture is mapped over an “infinite” sphere so scale it doesn’t make sense. But you can make your own enviromental sphere as described here:

Thank you all,
& will look up the info on how to make an environmental sphere. But that was an hdr photo…should have worked?
But my point is that the scaling didn’t work for even the brick texture.
Will try to uv map it later today.
crossing figers, love modelling, texturing, not so much.

Haha I had skimmed the post and hadn’t realized that you wanted info on the environment map as well. You can’t really scale environment maps. The only real coordinate values that you can change for them (via the mapping node) and still have a good map are the rotation values.

Looking at the render on the first post, I suppose you want to scale down the brick texture so, if I’m not wrong, you actually want to tile that texture, isn’t it?

If yes, I think you don’t need to UV map that plane, just do something like this:
