How fool the human are

    	 		 	 	 	 		 		 		The Antichrist will be evil in its purest form, he won't be partying, he'll just satisfy his lust for power and repression, there will be no good in him at all, he'll make Hitler look like Superman.

After a couple of beers he will chill.

Or he’ll drink a couple beers before he enslaves or kills you.

Or he’ll drink a couple beers before he enslaves or kills you

You mean he likes S&M? With all that leather, and chains and whipps? I know the perfect chick to hook him up with…

CD: If you’re going to base your future hopes (and your predictions of what the future may hold for others) on Christian belief, try to make sure your faith is based on the Bible and not fiction novels.

1 John 2:18 says that there is not one antichrist, but many . . . and that they have been around since the first century, not just appearing after some supposed ‘rapture’.

Have you all heard about “mass mind cleaning” ? No you dont , you watch tv all day and you are brain wased all day ? You dream money and antoher one thinkng untill end just like an animal without brain that just act! Thats the problem ?
To much mass media and lies , and less art and human thinking.

This thread is hilarious!

I think trolls should be banned. (not pointing anyone out in particular)

I think some of the folks on this thread would do them selves a great service to watch the film, “zeitgeist”
In fact I may go watch it again myself

Bible it is a book of logic and truth , that can be read only by the ones that undestrand the laws behind the book.
Don`t give example from BIble , you are not the one you wrote it and neither the one who sees in it the truth.
Read better in Bible that there it is something wroted about the ones that use the words from bible for theyr belife and say other about the bible with afferent to some capitol.
Bible it is not the book that you comment form it some frazes.

Venom sshht… don`t spoil te mood

I think that I’ll just say (before this thread degenerates into a quagmire mud fight) that there are threads of truth in all “religious” manuscripts and teachings. The problem seems to be seeing the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Folks seem to gather together into groups and “neener neener” each other to the point of madness. Hence the point of this thread,. WTF?

Rapture? Seems like nothing more than the human ego trying see itself as something… more.

What makes saying “The world will end and the antichrist(s) will punish you all”

more or less insane

than " The world leaders will gather together in an attempt to establish a one world oligarchy, and remove the masses of all free will"?


They’re all facts, to the observer, that can be backed up with substantial knowledge.

They both do seem to come from a fearful perspective on human nature, though. From the time man has learned to write and perhaps even before, his future was always seen in a negative light, regardless of why.

Humans are capable of creating more than hate and suffering. As soon as they learn to get over themselves, they can get around to doing all those things they need to do to take their (social)evolution to the next level.

Ask yourselves, are you actually worth enslaving? In today’s world where civilizations can be ended in literally and instant, why enslave an man when a machine can do his job twenty times faster with an error percentage of .0002.

From what I’m saying it might seem that I’ve joined the ranks of the nihilists.

But please don’t attempt to categorize me. I find it insulting.

Get over yourselves, please.

I, on the other hand, am a perfect human being whose beliefs are absolute. in a sarcastic tone

Come again!?:confused:

Ok kids im off. Human are not stupid , but the flaws in they education make them stupid. Any religion it is made to mantain that educational base that make humans to think about better or worst ? But what happen when stupid people act befor thinking why that rules exist ? Then you will see why some country stil bombing , like was bombing Hirosima and Nagasaky and see where Presidents are kiled all the way down ? Search more all War is made by insane people that got in a top executive function ? Hittler it is another example of stupiditi of human beings and if that it is not all ? If humans dont argue about money and resources without the World War 1 and 2 the whole technology maybe changed more , this way whas domed for 5 year of stagnation loosing another thousand lifes in playn crahes and etc , war mean plain stupidity and start from it.
Think you are the one that get the cure for all bad things , next day put your things in a seif with you or you`ll get killed.

Numarul’s right…

What the hell did he say??
can you translate?

Ahh, there ya go, part of the problem/solution, communication and understanding. :eyebrowlift:

An beautiful blonde from Dublin arrived at the casino and bet
twenty-thousand dollars on a single roll of the dice. She said, “I hope
you don’t mind, but I feel much luckier when I’m completely nude”. With
that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice and yelled, “Come
on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!” As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed…“YES
YES, I WON, I WON!” She hugged each of the dealers and then picked up
her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed. The dealers stared
at each other dumb founded. Finally, one of them asked, “What did she
roll?” The other answered, “I don’t know - I thought you were watching.”
Not all Irish are stupid And not all blondes are dumb, But all men are men

What the hell did he say??
can you translate?

I think he was talking about the geopolitical ramifications of the gradual integration of the flying spaghetti monster into neo-industrial societies.

If we all would just turn to pastafarian the world would be a better place.
Flying spaghetti monster please come and save us all !!!

Yeah, he’ll also be loved by almost everyone. In which case Bush is kind of lacking…

Wow, I really love to eat pasta, would that make me the antipasta?