I recently started approaching the world of animation, specifically creating effects with explosions/particles.
In my project there is a hand that must hold a crystal or quartz that must break when the hand closes. The crystal is horizontal and in the air, with the hand that has to reach it.
I’m not familiar with particular shapes or physics with certain materials.
Right now I’m working with the crystal/quartz.
I tried with cell fractures plus annotation pen to create more breaks in the desired area, then I scaled them in size from the origin so they don’t touch and explode and I set them as active.
The hand is the passive and I set “animate” only after n milliseconds after it touches the crystal.
I have no control between and after the explosion, especially because it is made of glass. I would like it to be more faithful, but I have no ideas and I don’t know any other methods yet. It makes me think that maybe what’s missing is a good post processing?
Maybe something about the forces to apply but i’m totally inexpert.
Can’t be very helpful cause I didn’t have the chance to do rigid bodies in blender for a while and forgot about when i tried some stuff like that.
but i think what makes less faithful to quote your sentence is the way it starts.
so instead of scaling them to not explode look into the rigid bodies constraints. there is something that will keep them connected “rigid bodies connect i think” or something like that (not sure a free addon or within blender itself) those constraints breaks at a certain force (that the hand will provide) if it’s hard to provide that force with the hand itself and control while worrying about how the hand looks animate other rigid body to sync with the hand that you don’t render. this way you will get the feel that the hand is breaking that object.