How to change thread titles?

Thanks a lot:D

can u change my “Can everyone help me to…” thread into audi a8?

I think the easiest way to change the thread title is to double-click the thread’s box, when viewing the threads.

That has already been mentioned, and it doesnt work on threads older than 4 weeks.

Can’t edit the title of my ‘doodles’ thread since its quite old (Way more than 4 weeks). Could a moderator please change the title to…

'Blender Doodles[updated-2006-06-04: Blue Dog ’

The thread is right here…

Many thanks in advance :slight_smile:


Instead of just requesting a mod to do it, I would like to just be able to change the name of my Stargate WIP from, “Another Stargate, last updated on 5-8-06,” to, “Anything I Like,” whenever I want! If not I don’t want to post here every time I have an update for my Stargate, I would like to be able to tell people when I have an update without having to wait for someone else to do it for me!

Double clicking on the box by a new thread didn’t do anything, but double clicking on the title of the thread in the listing opened the title up for editing, for about 2 seconds, then jumped to the thread. I guess for people with faster connections that editing window might only have opened a few nanoseconds.

I second Tynach, Wim and others who ask that the renaming just remain open. It should be fairly simple to allow it and if it makes sense somehow not to, I haven’t seen any explanations why it’s a bad idea.

I expect to be posting to my Vasilissa thread off and on for the next few years. I’d like to be able to put the date of any updates in the thread title so people who are following it can check to see what’s new, and when I post images of her body I should probably put up a nudity warning. How does it make sense to keep running to an administrator whenever that happens. Do you guys have too much time on your hands?

This is the Website Forum, isn’t it? Where we get answers to questions about the operation of the site itself? Well, the website seems to have a little problem, but people aren’t getting any answers, at least, none that I can see.
If this is a change in policy, fine, say so and I guess we’ll just have to suck it up. If its a software glitch, tell us, and we’ll patiently use make-do work-arounds until it’s fixed. But we’re in the dark here.

What’s going on?

I second this. I’ve subscribed to this thread via email hoping for some explanation or a change, but I’ve seen nothing. Just a little information would be great.

we’ll just keep posting until its fixed :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thread titles can now be changed untill 25 years after posting :slight_smile: That should be enough for some time.

Thank you very much. I appreciate the work you do, and I understand that some of these trivial things take time before you have the time to sit down and do it. This is a great forum and you guys are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

sweet thanks

Could we pop a stickie at the top of this page with instructions how to change thread titles for everyone else?

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