How to clean up an imported SVG?

I’ve just started using Blender and was wandering about how to work with SVG files. I’ve created a very basic SVG file just to test it out. It’s made up of three basic shapes. A background, a curved shape and a circle. I then imported that SVG into Blender. As you can see it turns it into a weird surface graphic.

The yellow curved shapes has some weird inside edges. The green background seems reasonably ok. The red circle looks like it is made of may weird strokes. I then go into Edit Mode or go into wireframe mode and I can see how each shape is put together. With vertices that go left to right across each survace. Instead of just clean hapes like a circle xhape and that rounded recrtangle with a rectangle cut inito it. Without vertices going back and forth top to bottom. Which probably is the reson that the model looks a bit funky.

What should I do next then after importing the SVG file? Is there perhaps some way to ‘merge’ each shape so that those diagonal lines across the surface disappear? Or should I have exported the SVG from in a certain way before importing?

It seems to be that for SVG there are some special algorithms used to compute the overlapping curves in a special manner and the standard blender imported just can’t do this very good… if you search for SVG here on BA there where some threads about those problems… sometimes using other apps… sometimes separating some of the grouping in the SVG…

There are also the:

  • Import Adobe Illustrator, PDF and SVG… and the
  • Import SVG as curves…

addon… so maybe try one or the other…

You might look through this older thread and see what I recommended to the OP…

also, you can try the addon SVG to Grease pencil…just activate it!

Actually there are multiple tutorials on YT… for example ( allured into @BlenderBob’s channels because of his newest video about wireframes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and then remembered this post here… ):

In this… there is also some “rules” (at linked 0:48 time) which someone may consider…

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I am doing same thing! In Inscape I simplified the design which takes away man nodes, that helped. Then exported in simple svg and brought into blender. Can’t remember what I did after that…ha ha Serious learning curve but loving it…
Lots of crappy vids, author talks too fast and hard to follow, but not many in 3.4 version