How to design Horn shapes in Blender, using tractrix formula, and exponentials for the flare, as well as circle and elliptical mouths!?
The title pretty much says it all. I have tried to get python to write code, no success there yet. I am not sure how to execute math with the program in order to create surfaces.
If one had a tractrix profile of 2d, for example, one could rotate that around a circle to create a circle horn, but what If I wanted the mouth to be elliptical while the beginning of the line remain circle? how to program the transition mathematically?
This is what appeared when I went edit mode; add>Math Function> XYZ MAth Surface
This is obviously the right direction and I am an obvious noob. Thank you so much. Now I have to figure out what formulas I need… the min/max/step features are self explanatory.
I was hoping chatgpt knew it well enough for me to kinda fake it till I make it lol… Seems like ChatGPT would of understood my request and the math rather easily, its a calculator… it also knows what I am try to manifest.
I feel like I’ve ran into a wall. The formulas I ask from chat gpt don’t work with blender. I thought tractrix curves where easy for something like ChatGpt
the shapes created here (XYZ Function) seem to be repetitive?
ChatGPT can’t even do elementary multiplication correctly consistently, so I think your hopes are severely misplaced. Is there any reason this has to be made with math? Because you could easily model this with a screw modifier in less than 5 minutes
I don’[t have to exactly copy a math formula, no idea what the screw modifier is. Are you sure I can do this with the screw tool? I mean the wall angles are consequential so in other words, the wall angles must acceptable, If not a tractrix curve and exponential curve will be desired, and then there’s the issue of creating an elliptical mouth at the big end and a round throat at the small end.
ZeroSkilz please don’t leave! lol! I know I am far down on the food chain but I am willing do do the work, to become adept enough to execute what I need don’t leave lol! Please help (spoon feed) along the way lol!
I made you a nodegroup you can use as a starting point. There’s a math input to which you can connect whatever formula, I added the one from Zeroskilz as well as a float curve for convenience. The top elliptical has a separate control.