How to draw a square face on an object?

I’m quite new to Blender, and

However, something basic has stumped me - I want to copy the selected face in the undermentioned image to the side of the shape, but I don’t see a way to draw a square border (like I can in Inkscape, as an example):

I know that I’ve not expressed my question well, but I’m struggling to think of the correct terminology.

I’ve tried using Control + R to subdivide it, but it’s not a perfect solution:

and probably wouldn’t scale well for large objects.

If you’re looking for a cutting tool, try the shortcut K :thinking:

It would be helpful to watch a video about the modeling function of the blender. :slightly_smiling_face:
It is different from the modeling of sketchup, and the tool is used differently.

Another way is to model Czechhedgehog using modifier.

gdsd.blend (1.0 MB)

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@oo_1942, the cutting tool isn’t quite correct, because I’d need multiple cursors to converge in its axis-snapping mode (A) in order to draw a square. Does that make sense?

@oo_1942, many thanks for that! It’s a good way of confirming my work. I’ve managed to do something very similar using the mirror modifiers:

but yours is a good reference.

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That is an interesting approach, I didn’t think you can do it this way,

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@digitvisions, it has meant I’ve needed to do a lot less work when I make a change to a quadrant, as long they’re all meant to be the same.