How to make EEVEE hair look good?

So, EEVEE-NEXT is out, so is it possible to do Hair or fur now like in UE5?

That was done in UE5, can EEVEE finally pull this off or is it still sort of useless?

Rendering? Yes. Grooming? No.

If your qualifier for ā€œuselessā€ is professional-level hair tools, I have some bad news for you about every standard 3DCC programā€¦

Is it possible? I havenā€™t seen it done in EEVEE. Got proof or some guides?

I do not use X so I can not see your reference but Maniacarta uses Eevee and hair is pretty good.

In Cycles. I explicitly stated EEVEE.

This is Lightning using Blender 3.6 Eevee and Hair geometry node techniques.

Itā€™s Eevee

Well, I admit that looks good. Although no fur, itā€™s only hair. But without explanation of the process, there isnā€™t much to go onā€¦

I admit hair/fur is not ā€œeasyā€ but it is possible to get good results from Eevee.

I am not sure if you problem is grooming or texturing.

Here is a good grooming tut for fur (there are 3 parts), he uses Cycles but the philosophy of the texture should be the same in Eevee. I think that the grooming bit is very important for fur and is the same for Cycles and Eevee.

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@PedroCG Whatā€™s with the attitude, dude?


The issue isnā€™t Cycles vs Eevee in the case of that twitter example, it largely doesnā€™t matter.

Itā€™s the overall grooming and then even more so the ā€˜simulationā€™ as the hands are run over the fur. Figure all that out and the final rendering part is the easiest bit, for which you could use Cycles, Eevee or whatever.

As such, the real question is can Blender do it, which is a sort ofā€¦ maybe.

Those videos that DNorman posted at least say sort of yes, from a still image point of view. But at the same time thereā€™s no animation and in a way the thumbnails are a little miss leading, given that all the images of the cat in various poses are as far as I can tell and actual real cat.

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As best I can surmiseā€¦the right side of the thumbnails are genuine 3d Blender renders, while the left side of the thumbails feature a real cat for comparison. This suggests just how impressive Blenderā€™s hair system can be and what it can achieve.

I spent a lot of time with c4dā€™s hair system a few years ago and I already see that it fails hopelessly to compare with what Blender can do. A free program smoking a wildly expensive app with slavescriptions? I plan to investigate this personally in days to come to see what I can do in a casual effort.

I invite you to explain the difference between fur and hair. The microphone is yours.

I also invite you to explain why you started this thread with antagonism and have continued that petulant tone? Are you willing to work and learn?

Forvige my skepticism about you. But based on your little activity here on this forumā€¦and the nature of your postsā€¦I am unsure of your intentions.

All this said Iā€™m DELIGHTED with your thread. It invites those unaware of Blenderā€™s diverse and amazing hair tools to better explore and become informed.

Yes, given the time, from a still image point of view the current Geometry Node hair system can produce some pretty great looking results. With it being rendered via Cycles or Eevee likely not making much difference (current Eevee-next issue not withstanding).

Of course then trying to animate it is a whole different ball game.

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Fair question.

With path tracing. Literally Cycles but in Unreal 5.

Lol no. Donā€™t even try. C4D fur is miles ahead of both quality and performance, gtfo blender cultist.

Big difference, specially in shader and performance.

Thereā€™s far too many insults and unkind language here, on both sides of the ā€œissueā€. Be civil and constructive

Thank you for confirming what some for us sensed in your first four or fives posts in this thread. We know where you stand and your intentions.

I was a c4d user for 12 yearsā€¦still occasionally use it now. I know about the hair system in both. Anywaysā€¦Best wishes. Iā€™m done with the discussion.