Hello there, this is Captain Knowledge! I am new to blender artists!!
Basically I faced a problem earlier this morning and it’s about the bump node, I was working on a model and wanted to add some bumps, I used the bump node, but I makes a big problem which is turning my object’s color to pink for no reason, although, I don’t use any textures except for the noise texture.
My guess, reading that post, is that when the video memory is not enough, Eevee just doesn’t render the shader. I think that bump node is enough to cause this problem. Possibly, using a low resolution image texture instead of a procedural noise could allow you to still use it, but I imagine this will be a limit you will meet often, as Intel graphics cards have limits!
Well thank you for helping! Just one information I would add is that I made this model from a month on the same video card and nothing happened, but well thank you!
I don’t want to condescend, but this does seem very strange. I’ve also recently had issues with shaders in the latest build of Blender (3.2.1), so I tested out a basic version of your shader and did not get the same problem.
Have you accidentally assigned or changed to a different material? Changing it to one which has a missing image texture.
Have you tried running it on a different version of Blender?
Have you tried to assign the image texture without the Noise texture?
If that is still pink, have you tried to “Find Missing Files”? File>External Data>Find missing files And then select the folder in which you stored the image.
I realise you may have tried these things, but without being able to see the file up close, I just had a few checks pop into my head. Or should I say, “loaf”!
And its there in a completely new scene… I don’t know, usually if there is an error in the shader nodes the noodle will turn red… How long have you been working before without this issue? Actually I see in your 3rd post that there is an HDRI in the background. Well maybe do you have an updated video driver?
Your shaders dont compile and then blender uses the pink color to inform you that the needed shader is not there.
You wrote you reinstalled windows, but I guess the driver you used before for your GPU was another version than the current one. So grab the newest one and try again.