Human Progress

Can someone explain this one a bit further? What does “duplicating a ring” mean? Duplicated from the eye mess? From the eyelid mesh? Somewhere else?

How do the shape keys get copied over to a different mesh? Or did he have to create new ones from scratch with the “duplicated” mesh?

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Thanks @Slartibartfast & @SR3d!

@Gmih Selecting polys and duplicating them (a ring of them around the edge of the eyelid mesh in this instance) also duplicates the shape keys and weights with it. So no need to recreate those. Handy!


Just wanted to say that The Passenger is still one of my favourite animated shorts ever (I finally bought the DVD a couple of years back after reminiscing about it with some colleagues…)

I’m loving the work your outputting now in Blender. Great stuff!

@ChrisJones, Your work is amazing! I’ve been trying to make my own version with the node you sent online, (Skin Nodes, Eye Nodes) the tips you gave, (Eye Bulge), but it just doesn’t work. Will you ever upload it, and if so, when?
Thanks! :3

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Thanks @mrDan & @theawesomegm.

I had planned to eventually make it available for purchase once it was more “complete”, but that’s such a long way off, and it seems there are people who could already be making use of it in its current state.

So I’ve been fleshing out the grand plan so that I can pull forward some of the parts that were scheduled for later, and make them compatible with parts that are yet to come. This entails quite a bit of reworking, testing, documenting etc., so it could be a couple of months at least.

In the mean time I’m not sure what issues you’re having - perhaps it’s to do with the geometry, or the images you’re feeding into the nodes?

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Hey @ChrisJones!
could you show us the cornea, pupil and iris nodes? i want to see how you do it all!

Here ya go:


The cornea is in the eyeball nodes you already linked to.


Is the cornea is the transparent bit or the white? if its the white, then i would like the sclera!
(sorry for any inconvenience) :sweat_smile:

The sclera’s the white bit. Both are in the same node tree though, with a ColorRamp separating them.

but how do you apply it to both?

Hey Chris!
(before I ask I’m sorry for spamming, i just have so many questions!)
does your character have teeth, because I’ve never seen teeth in that mouth(mostly because his mouth never opens!)

What I love with your demo videos is that they aren’t just tech demos, they also have a little entertaining spice on top. So in addition to being cool to watch and instructive, it’s enjoyable for everyone, no matter if you’re on the tech side, art side or don’t know anything about those subjects.

And that’s awesome. A lot to learn from that.

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Amazing work.

The sclera and cornea are the one object, with the one material.

They made an appearance in a close relative back in 2013 (and very briefly in 2014)

Thank you, I do my best to keep them as unboring as possible. :wink:



i meant does the blender character have finished teeth, ive never seen them

i still dont understand the eye!

The teeth aren’t finished, but they’re the same ones as in the LW version.

The eye is a sphere (sclera) with a bump at the front (cornea), which has one material that transitions from opaque to transparent via the ColorRamp node. There is a separate disc inside for the iris (not shown in diagram).



Danny Mac released a nice tutorial on how to make a Disney/Pixar eye in Blender:

It’s stylized and maybe not exactly how @ChrisJones did his character’s eyes, but it’s a strong base to understand how it’s done, and it gives you somme nice insight on procedural texture making. If you want to turn this into a more realistic aspect, it’s mostly a matter of using more realistic textures and shaders.

By the way I recommend this channel, it has plenty interesting videos and he explains often why he does one way or another, which IMHO is way more important that showing one way.


OOHHH! Now i get it! thx!

are there any other nodes we haven’t seen yet? (by we i mean me)