Well, the best my feeble rigging abilities will allow anyway…
I keep trying to make a video of the rig, but each time I do I uncover a new issue. Effective way of production testing it I guess!
Well, the best my feeble rigging abilities will allow anyway…
I keep trying to make a video of the rig, but each time I do I uncover a new issue. Effective way of production testing it I guess!
Using a mesh deform cage driven by the bones and then binding the cage to your human mesh allows for more natural deformation.
the eyes are all blender?! damn looking fotorealistic
@pixelurge Interesting, I’ll have to investigate this further, especially when it comes time to deform clothes. Thanks for mentioning it!
@dan_wipf Except for the models (LW) and image maps (Sculptris & Krita).
Just as a slight aside, I managed to transfer the écorché textures from an earlier version of the model with completely different UV’s to the current version.
This looks great! Great job!
It should be rigged with my anatomical rigging workflow (muscle system) for realistic deformations!
I’m currently making a few courses that ranges from beginner to advance. Your rig is good, but far from deforming realistically. Cage rigging works well in certain scenarios, but wont give you more realistic deformation, rather it’ll just give you easier controls.
Rigging ain’t really hard, its tedious and time consuming but not hard
Thanks for the feedback - as mentioned, I have already made some improvements in that area, although deformations aren’t really the focus yet. I am curious to hear more about your muscle system, as my plan to use warp modifiers is looking doubtful now since they don’t quite behave as I’d hoped.
While I admit that rigging this thing has been much less hard than it was the first time around… easy it ain’t!
As a long time Lightwaver that switched to Blender 1 year ago, I love to follow this wip. You’re work is always top notch and a great inspiration.
Thanks Ztreem!
Hm, and this is for real?
Looks like a photo Bro - astonishing work!!!
Sincerely, JayM
I finally got around to uploading a video of the rig in action which I made a month ago, before life got in the way (plus I had to make a soundtrack for it).
Thanks @janmatys, yes it is a real fake person.
Did you trying using show wires all, perhaps you can find whats happening to mesh that way?
Perhaps its due to the data of one of the 2 isnt available for the other. My guess the data for that shrink/wrap isnt available for the displacement mod, therefor it renders artifacts.
Am i correct if see the edge of the maps from the ears going up. Somhow looks like the seem, if i check the maps, i think im correct. Amazed how it also looks in blender! Great job man!
WOw you are actually a member since 2008, so you tried blender before or not?
Hope you get the tension maps sorted.
Holy cow, that’s fantastic.
Man I wish i knew how to make this kind of awesome rig. Would have made my animation a whole lot less painful… xD
dope shit! seeing what progress you’ve made!
Incredible… you’ve only been using Blender for a short while and you’re already better than I’ll ever be. Great work man.
Not sure I’m following, do you mean in relation to the tension maps?
Yeah the scalp is much smaller on the UV map to allow more room for face detail. Since it will be covered by hair the seams won’t be visible unless I need a bald character, in which case I’ll just rescale the UVs and repaint the scalp.
I signed up in 2008 to field some questions about my short film at the time. I’ve used Blender for a few minor tasks since about 2012 though.
I’m avoiding that part of the project in the hopes that something will come to light before I’m forced to dig deeper.
Thank you!
Being a rigging-challenged individual, normally I’d be the one saying something like that! Surreal to be reading it in reference to my own rig I guess it goes to show… er… something?
I seriously expected it to take years to get to this point (if at all)!
I have no rational explanation for the uncharacteristic rapidity of my progress…
you got me there… xD maybe i’m more rigging challenged than you? hehe! It would be cool to see how you actually made that rig, especially the spine and fingers. I love the way you rigged those things. It seems ultra flexible and easy to animate.
Yes, when you would set the viewport to display wires than you could perhaps better understand whats going on with the mesh.
See attached image. Perhaps it helps understanding what is going on. Did you perhaps check what happens if you dont use displacement?
Im jsut thinking of possible errors possibilities here. I know in BLender sometimes the order of modifiers has a HUGE impact on the looks and what the outcome will be.
See below example of subsurf with wire mod 1 version is subsurf on top, the other is sub surf below. Huge difference right.