Human Progress

Hahaha That sir is pure nightmare material right there. LOL I would say it isn’t ready either.

Whoa, what the!?

Hehe looks kinda like the vampires’ design from Blade 2 :joy:

Were you using multires in the latest 2.83 or a 2.90 build? Because 2.83 is still messy, only in 2.9 the random spikes and mesh destruction have been fixed. But I believe what is still not working is using multires with shapekeys, haven’t tried that lately…

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This was with 2.9 from a couple of days ago (which I’m able to actually open now). Sculpted a few strokes, turned up the viewport subdivisions to match the sculpt ones, and bam - instant vampire. I did have some shape keys active at the time, but was sculpting on the basis.

Yeah… I was curious and did a little test just now, if you add multires to a mesh that already has shapekeys it will break and show those nasty spikes, but, if you add multires first and then add shapekeys it doesn’t seem to have any issues. :upside_down_face:

My guess is the devs still haven’t worked on that yet, since it’s still unclear if the shapekeys functionality will be used as a base for sculpt layers

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That’s interesting to note. I think I’ll apply the shape keys to the base and then get rid of them in that case, since this was only for a one-off displacement map bake test.

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I try the multires with an sphere and then drive the preview subdis with a bone and it was super slow. Also it did not allow for more than one multires modifier. This in Blender 2.83

The improvements to multires performance and spike issues is being done for 2.9, not 2.83.

This particular modifier is meant to be added only once per mesh, and why would you need several multires modifiers anyway…? If you need more resolution just add more subdivisions.

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Saw in another thread that having an armature can really slow things down. Try getting rid of the armature and see if performance increase any.

ha, ha… this can cause serious nightmares :no_mouth:
I remember such stuff when play with displacement :slight_smile:

I was thinking in using multires for wrinkles and form stretching and compression details in deformation rigging. But it seems multires modifier is not meant for that…, is it?

Thats one hell of a profile pic…

No, at least not right now, think of Multires as the Blender version of the subdivision system in Zbrush (the 2.9 improvements are almost on par with the subdiv functionality of Zbrush), but, as in ZB, is not meant to be used directly in animation, because of the huge amount of polygons you’re adding with the modifier.

The kind of details you mention should be added/handled through texture maps, what we need for that is a proper Tension Map system

Yes, hopefully we will have that in the near future.

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copy rotation constraints for the finger bones is more acurate to say ;)…

“Wanna know how I got these scars?”


I’ve seen some discussions in another thread advocating for Multires to be exclusive to sculpt mode, which has me somewhat puzzled, if not a little concerned.

While I haven’t put it into practice much yet (but certainly intend to), it seems to me that Multires completely circumvents the need for baking and applying displacement maps - or better yet, vector maps. By supplanting the Subsurf modifier with Multires you get the same benefits of Subsurf, while being able to sculpt details mid-pose, then jump back to low subdivisions while animating and render at high subdivs.

This was one of the most attractive features I came across when moving to Blender. Surely the devs intended that workflow… or am I missing something? In fact if Multires worked in Edit mode as well, wouldn’t that supercede the Subsurf modifier altogether?

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Well, right now it is possible to use multires instead of the subsurf modifier on an animated character, as long as you keep the subdivisions fairly low (which is the same as using subsurf imo)… but if you plan to rig your character, add shapekeys, and on top of that add a multires modifier to sculpt high frequency detail then you’d be adding way too much geometry to it, which is not a very good idea if there’s no way to manage that extra geometry on a dynamic manner (like subdividing only what’s facing the cam or something like that).

With displacement maps you have at least the option to divide the mesh only where needed thanks to adaptive subdivision, but that’s not possible with multires; so in that sense, no, multires is not meant to be used in animation. Not that is not planned, just not possible right now, but I think the devs do want to allow for the workflow you just described.
Again, if you’re not thinking about adding a crazy amount of detail with multires, then it is possible to use it instead of subsurf.

For me, what would be a killer feature for animation is if the shapekeys get support for multires, so instead of having shapekeys operate on the un-subdivided mesh, we could use them on top of the highest level of subdivision, basically turning them into animatable sculpt layers.

EDIT: Ok I based my comments on the poor experience I’ve had with multires before, but the devs are definitely planning on making multires fully usable for animation too :slight_smile:

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That describes my scenario exactly; rigged character with shape keys and multires with hi frequency detail. The performance with Multires at Viewport level 0 or 1 is the same as with Subsurf at 0 or 1, and in both cases I can have the render subdiv turned up until it maxes out my RAM. So they’re both doing the same thing, but instead of having to use a baked map, with Multires I get to use the sculpt data directly at render time.

But you’re right, adaptive subdivision is not accessible with Multires. So other than that and Edit mode, is there anything else that Multires is missing I wonder… because it seems logical to have them both rolled into one.

And yes shape keys support does seem like an interesting prospect. Glad to see animation is on the agenda for it as well, even though it seems to be working already aside from the aforementioned glitches (or was working at least - I used it for the muscles on the character at the end of this video),