Human Progress

@ByteC Since you have the Body Rig, buying the Face Rig would get you the ready assembled Body & Face Rig free (irrespective of the Female Base Mesh, since that’s not included with either of the rigs). The Body Rig + the Face Rig = the same price as the full Body & Face Rig.

So I think we’re on the same page…?

@Morokei There’s no rig retargeting, no. That would be far beyond my technical capacity. :nerd_face:

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Perfect Chris, as expected, thanks!

Thanks for clarifying!


I should say that the rig does have proportional controls, which could be used to manually align the rig to the mesh. It’s setting it up to deform the mesh well that would be the main disincentive.

" (irrespective of the Female Base Mesh, since that’s not included with either of the rigs)"

I have overseen the " Universal Human Female Head Base Mesh - Single User" option, which was shown on a 2nd page on Gumroad. So now it is quite clear to me how to proceed. Order has been processed :slight_smile:

This face rig looks amazing. Please can you answer this questions.

-Can the face rig perform a Lip Funneler pose?

-Does the face rig have an stress map?

-Can the mouth stay close even if the jaw is down and the teeth are separated?.. in the video seems like this can be done but i just checking.

-How the face rig reacts to combinations like smile/kiss or kiss/open mouth?


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Amazing work,
! I’m always impressed

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Wow, that was faster than I expected! I feel a bit lost in what I have to buy though and reading through this thread it appears others have similar struggles. Is there a “buy everything together” option?

tho i want ot buy to study it more, specially the advanced setups, drivers, and how is facial rig done, how he did the morph targets (shapekeys) for the races and how they blend with another additional ones like the facial shape keys for example, and some other settings, ik/fk switch, contraints setup, etc…

also i recommend you to make a commercial version, for individuals you lower it down to 100 $ (non commercial), but for commercial use you put it x2 times more of cost (300 $ in total), and same for studio licenses one for non commercial and another one for commercial…

@ChrisJones well actually in the other hand is not too expensive for what this offers, well this is just skinned and rigged, and then with the additional morphing features, but not simulated (like for feature film animation usage) with real muscles simulation, skin, fat, etc, and stuff that would become even more handy, specially using this add-on the problem with this add-on is that is lack of documentation, i tried to use it once a while ago and i really didn’t figure it out well how to setup complex custom muscles into a realistic character (one of the two below)…

@yolao ola nope it doesnt have tension maps or stress maps, nor textures yet…

one thing easier to do for the face is the shape keys itself, but adding it to and making it compatible and working with rig layout can be tricky to understand to do it, since you use drivers for example and complex setups for the bones, and fortunately this rig is the most advanced one i have seen so far in the facial, body areas… currently i am working in advanced rigging as well and i need to learn more in depth i am working in a short film for a client, i mean this one

yeah i know how painfully rigging is, look in what am doing right now LOL:

yep 7.000 k BoNeS for a f***** amount of tentacles LOL…


So, what’s next for Ed?

To some extent:

Lip Funneler

Could be improved though.

No, the existing add-ons still present issues and there’s no word on whether the functionality will be integrated back into Blender, but I might look into it again shortly.

Yes there’s a control for sticking the lips together.

Not sure, I might need to see an example. A full smile combined with a full pucker would not give good results, since it’s not physically possible in reality.


Keeping it clear and concise is an ongoing challenge. It’s designed for mixing and matching according to your needs, so if you let me know what you need I’ll tell you what you need to get. :slight_smile:

Buying everything would result in a number of redundant purchases.

The licenses are all already commercial. I initially considered non-commercial/education licenses, but decided to postpone that thought since it was already getting complicated.

The other problem is that the rig would be tethered to it if I relied on it for muscles, which would be an additional expense and complication for customers. Ideally everything would work in vanilla Blender (including tension maps).

Tension maps perhaps. :slight_smile: I’ve got some remnants of the big release to clean up first though.
[Edit] Or if you mean the original Ed, he’s no longer with us in his original form (but could be resurrected as a shape key if necessary).


Great, thanks for the answers Chris.

OG ED must return! For prosperity!

Congrats on 100k subs!

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Thanks :partying_face:

As far as I tested, this happens only when you deform the mesh with BONES while sculpting, I think you better sculpt is rest position and never touch deformation or shapekeys unless you’re out of any edit or sculpt modes + reset them once done testing before you sculpt again.

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@ComplexAce In the past I’ve had success sculpting on poses with Multires, but perhaps I was just lucky (or something’s changed). More recently it was being triggered by changing the Multires Viewport level when exiting Sculpt Mode if I remember correctly, and even more recently I couldn’t reproduce it at all.

I need to investigate this more thoroughly though, so thanks for mentioning it - I’ll keep an eye out for that.


I still don’t know if I’m impressed more by the rig showcase itself or the originality & twists you summon to present your stuff in each or your videos.