Human Progress

Hey Chris,
I try to warp a custom model onto the Universalhuman rig system ,and its works.
but I find there is some problem with the eye lips as I close it .and the chin.

I notice that you have mentioned " adjust corrective shape key" but didn’t find a way solve it .

is there some tuts or steps I can follow ? Many thanks!!!

@Undercrasher There are no tension maps involved, only displacement maps and masks. It works irrespective of the character’s shape.

@Alasasaia They’ll go on Gumroad when I’ve finished preparing them

@whsssqiqi You’ll need to find the shape key in question (Eyelid L 4 or 5 by the looks of it) and do some editing. Click the Shape Key Lock button (pin icon under the shape keys) so you can see it at full strength. Not sure why only that shape key is messed up though - did you already reshape it?

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Thanks! I will try it ! yeah,already reshape,and the rest seems works well., I warp the basemesh from the sculpt


Oh, ok understand now sorry for frustrating you I was just confused.

as I click the Shape Key Lock button. it will return to the orignal basemesh (without my custom shapekey),is there some ways to keep the custom shapekey but also show the eyelids deform? so will be much easier to fix the problem mesh .

You’ll probably need to move the eyelid control until the applicable eyelid shape key is at a value of 1.0 (or somewhere near it) in that case.

Hey Chris, sorry for not properly understanding you I have a disability called Autism. I’ve been dedicated to 3d animation since late 2016 it’s a dream of mine to make it far and successfully achieve my goal. I’m a pretty smart guy but sometimes I don’t catch everything as it should be. Hopefully you understand.

Of course - as you said it’s complicated stuff, so it’s easy to get confused. :slight_smile:

By any chance do you have a Discord server?

Hey thanks!! Chris.just solve the problem ,I find it’s because “Eyelids L 5” has some issues. I guess it caused by the asymmetric of the sculpt model.

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@Undercrasher I don’t, although I can see I might need to consider getting my own forum at some point… :thinking:

@whsssqiqi Sometimes it can happen if you start sculpting and the wrong shape key is selected but not activated. Note that you can also edit the shapes to adjust the point at which the epicanthus unfolds, since that varies from person to person and can shift after reshaping the eyes.

@ChrisJones Awesome work, man. I am wondering what about hair. Any opinion about Blender hair simulation or tools so far? Have you gotten an opportunity to tinker with it?

Also your humans 3d work, since you are using a much older machine. Are you sculpting your characters or you model them. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah,I figure out that it’s sometime I sculpt the wrong shapekey by mistake .and thanks for the note!!


@ChrisJones Hey, man, found another project with an inner eye that looks a bit more lively than yours, thought I’d share in case it helped you improve your design:

Also, the linked article apparently has some tips about hair, so thats a plus.

I have another question is about Tongue or Phonemes ,will Universal Human update tongue shapekeys for talking animation? thanks

I’ve only worked with short hair so far, except for a brief test with grooming longer hair some years ago. The main issues are “wormholes”, where hairs land on a different part of the model than where I put them; it keeps losing symmetry; and you can’t texture individual hairs. I haven’t tried simulating anything as yet.

@thedocruby Thanks, looks like it uses scans though, which are out of bounds for me.

@whsssqiqi I haven’t tested speech, but there should be enough tongue mobility for that already. Are there any shapes you’re missing in particular?


Would be awesome to see some simulation from you when it comes to clothes and hair. I feel Blender still has ways to go for hair and cloth but I hear geometry nodes is a thing so maybe we can find ways to manipulate them using those.

I remember Blender having a hair shape key addon so that can help:

You can also rig particle hair now if I am not mistaken.

Blender cloth not so much info on my end tbh.


OK thanks ,will try!

Hey Chris! in this case ,if the the target model is much different from the base mesh ,is it possible to adjust the controler to match the new model?

Ideally you’d position the proportion controls before changing the mesh - I’m not sure how best to do that after the fact. You might have to duplicate the modified mesh and use that as a reference for positioning the proportion controls and then modify the base mesh to match.