Human Progress

:scream::heart_eyes: :star_struck:

If I should find something CGI-ish (or it should be improved a little bit) is the perfection of the shape of the red lipstick. In my opinion some more “noise” on the shape it will be better.

That came up on Twitter, it’s mainly due to an unwanted halo around the edge:
I’ve since removed the Math node, can’t do much about the SSS highlighting the lower edge though.


I wasn’t referring to that.
I was referring to the really hard and precise edge of the lipsticked part.
I’ve done some image research and it seems that it’s possible to have something like that
I don’t know
a bit softer transition could be more “natural”.

just my quick eye feeling
 it’s a great result, one of the most realistic I’ve seen.

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I had an answer for that as well. :wink:
I’d post a link to the thread if I could figure out how (Twitter is the most unintuitive thing ever


Leftover sans-makeup version that never made it into the release materials:


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
Really fantastic

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I tried the new skin shader with emily

nice !


Hey Chris, can you help me answering this questions about the textures and skin shader please.

-When you buy the “Universal Human Skin Shader” together with “Universal Human Face Textures” do you have to tweak the shader to have the result that you have showed in your renders?

-I remember that you show us a big network for the wrinkle maps, is that also included?

-No eyeball textures
, why?


The most recent render is the default settings without tweaking, the previous one has the makeup defaults with different mix amounts on top.

The wrinkle nodes are included with the Face Rig and Body & Face Rig, since they’re tied in to the face shape keys.

Eyeballs need more polish, and are next on the agenda.

Great, thanks for the answers Chris.

can we have more render? :blush:

Hey Chris do you plan to release a teeth/gums/tongue texture/shader pack as well?

Yep, after the eyeballs.

I also had a question about the new rig update , i created a character (modified the mesh ect) on the old rig, is there a way to transfer it to the new rig or do i have to redo it by hand ?

I sent a reply to your email (also if I could get you to edit my email address out of your post before the harvester bots get hold of it, that would be much appreciated :wink:)

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You’d probably have to do it by hand I’m afraid, although you might be able to speed up the process using Shrinkwrap, or possibly by baking the changes to a displacement map, adding it to the new mesh via a displace modifier and applying it.

Great :+1:

Is there any chance of having more renders?

Just when you thought, it could not get better . . .

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Hey Chris ! I was wondering about what was the next step for this project, are you planning to work on the body textures now ? or something else ?

A distinct chance.

Eyeball textures > teeth textures > hair > possible break to do another project > hand/body textures (not necessarily in that order).