I one it.


Swings golf club “FOUR!” :smiley:

FIVE time one:D.

i five it. so i have my tenth post :smiley:

I six it. Believe me youll get tired of counting your posts after awhile :p…

i fived it!:d

i seven it (TOO CLOSE TO EIGHT:eek:)!

I jumped over it and TWS Admin 8 it.

Problem Solved.

ok my turn to start:-
I was walking down the road and I saw a tasty cupcake. (goodness rocks!) :smiley:
i one it.:smiley:

Damn - A cupcake? Nothing hideous? Ha! I will two and three that tasty cupcake.

Lol yeah ppl deserve something nice after eating so many stupid things. Like ur mom would give u some sweet after she makes u eat the alien broccili. So considering public wellfare, i four it. :smiley:

Very nice! “Here son, I know that anvil with nails and diarrhea with corn was tough to eat, so have a cupcake.” FIVE.

whatever I ate wasn’t good, so I six it.

If a chef wud eat all the dishes had made himself what would we eat? (lol yeah grass :P). So giving u a stomach a chance from recovering from that nail attack, i seven it.

Wooo! A cupcake! I eight it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lolz… this game is crazy. But I had fun reading all the comments!

It is a bit, isn’t it?

I was walking down the road and saw a couple of annoying kids.

I one them.

Annoying kids? Lol i would have to become a monster to eat them.
Ok so the bill passed by royal decree says
“i two (screw) them”.

my grandfather started this idea a LONG time ago.

I four it…